Friday, February 26, 2010

Mark 3

3:5 - "deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts"

Stress is defined as tenaciously (fierce, fighting) unwilling to yield.

Is this a way that the Lord can describe you? Do you struggle with stubbornness? I know that I often do.

The crowds often gathered around Jesus more for the healing than for the message. Have you had tunnel vision where you wanted Jesus to do something for you and missed some of his message, some of his plan and how he wanted to get it done?

3:20-30 - The Pharisees attempted to discredit the power behind the miracles of Jesus. "If a house is divided against itself, the kingdom cannot stand." How true is this in our lives, in our homes, in our church? Disunity breeds misunderstanding, disruption, judgement, criticism and heartache.

3: 31- 35 - Does Jesus snub his family?
We could easily think that is we don't see his heart. Sometimes the way we might read something in the Bible might seem like Jesus wasn't being very loving. I know the exact opposite is true so we need to dig a little deeper.

Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament says: "Our Lord was not rude to His family; He simply used their concern as an opportunity to explain what it means to belong to the family of God. God's children are closer to Jesus than even His own earthly family, for we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh." (Eph. 5:30)

Please help us to know and understand your heart. Help us to give up our stubbornness for our own good and for your glory. Thank you for having patience with us as we understand more and more who you are and your character. Help us to take on your character and to be unified with each other. Seeking each others best. We love you!

Have a blessed Friday!!! I am feeling like it might be too much for everyone to visit the blog on the weekends so I will most likely not post anything. However, I do challenge you to read Proverbs 27 Saturday & Proverbs 28 Sunday! Have a blessed weekend! See you all on Monday!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A few things to help you out

1) A "post" is each section of writing. It will always have a title... in this case the titles are red. They will always have a date and at the bottom of that post there will be a place to comment. When you are making a comment, please comment under the "post" you are referring to. If it is something in Mark 1 - go to the post entitled Mark 1 and put your comment directly under that post.

2) If you have a picture that you can attach to your profile as you become a "follower" please do. This will help us all to know who you are.

3) If you want to see who the other followers of the blog are, click on "followers" and it will take you to your profile page. You can then click on "followers" there and it will show you who else is following the blog (some by names only if you don't have a picture).

4) In order for you to be able to make comments you do need to have an account. This account can be gmail, yahoo, facebook, twitter, and I think there may be a few other options. When you go to make a comment you can click on sign in and create an account if you don't already have one. If you have one of those accounts already, you just need to add your information and you will have access that way.

Let me know if you are having any problems and I'll do my best to tell you how to do it.

Mark 2

How are you doing so far? I hope you are enjoying the book of Mark. Let me know how you are feeling about it. Is a chapter a day too much?

2:4 - Are we so determined to bring our needs to the father? We have direct access! We don't have to dig a hole in a roof and be lowered down to him. We can stay where we are and talk directly to him!

2:8 - The definition of discernment is to detect with the senses, trait of judging wisely and objectively...
Jesus knew what the Pharisees were thinking because he had discernment in the spirit. This comes with spending time in the word, in prayer knowing Jesus. Your spirit becomes more aware.

2:17 - It isn't the healthy people who need a doctor but the sick. Jesus is the doctor and those who don't know him are the sick. (Psalm 107:20)

2:18-22 - Eating with someone meant to seal a solemn bond of friendship. Jesus was eating with people while other religious people were fasting. Jesus wanted to share in relationship with them while he was still with them. Fasting wasn't needed while he was still among them.

2:23-28 - Jesus was being watched like a hawk! There wasn't anywhere that he went that he wasn't being scrutinized, judged and questioned. Often we experience this as Christians. Once someone knows you are a Christian, they may watch your responses, reactions, how you handle yourself in situations. Are you living up to the standard Jesus set? Often times we aren't and feel that people are just waiting to call us out on the carpet. Have you experienced being treated this way? In this situation do you feel or have you felt that you handled yourself well or have you become defensive?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"When you read your Bible receive and savor it like a love letter from God to you. Remember, you're reading in order to met someone. Ponder what you have read and apply it to your present circumstances. Let it go down into the core of your being and as you read, expect Him to commune with you." - Bruce Wilkinson

Mark 1

Ready to get started? Today I will touch on almost every aspect of this Chapter. Some days I'll focus in on just a few...

John - The book of Mark starts with John the Baptist. Have you read about Jesus relationship with John? This is one of my favorite stories. They were cousins and the Bible says that John lept in the womb when Mary visited John's mother. Jesus was also in the womb when this happened. What a sweet faith John had even before he was born! John devoted his life to calling people back to God. I love that John and Jesus were able to share the experience together of water baptism.

Holy Spirit Baptism - Jesus already had the spirit but by water baptism, he was able to identify himself with sinful humanity. This was validation of who he was and his earthy mission.

Temptation - Jesus was tempted to show us that temptation doesn't need to end in failure. This was meant to be an encouragement to us. Are there times in your life when you have felt tempted but also had an unbelievable out? I hope you are able to find encouragement in this.

Jesus prays - Jesus is our example. He got up early, alone, went to a solitary place and prayed. If it was important for Jesus to do this, how much more important is it for us to do this? Do you have a place where you like to go and pray? Do you need to find a place? Ask God about it.

Man with leprosy - I love the part where the man asks Jesus if he is willing and Jesus says, "I am willing." He is SO willing to do beyond what we can even imagine at times... have we been asking? Have you asked the Lord to heal your relationships? Your marriage? To show you how to deal with the overwhelming problem or issue in your life? If not, take time now and every day to ask. The word says to pray without ceasing. His timing and his healing will come.

I pray that you find encouragement in His word today as you dig in and get acquainted with the book of Mark and have time with your precious Savior. What did you like about this chapter?

I want to hear from you... please remember to write your comments, observations & questions. Let's talk about it!

Why Mark?

As we get started, we will be going through the Book of Mark. I was drawn to this book after a friend told me it was one of her favorites. Ever since I have been reading and rereading it, listening to it on audio books and studying it. Mark is thought to be the earliest gospel book written so naturally, it felt like a good place to start.

Some background about the Book of Mark:
  • Mark is thought to have been the interpreter for Peter. (1 Peter 5:13 – son is thought to refer to Peter being responsible for Mark’s conversion) Historians are not sure if this means that he was actually with Peter and Jesus during these accounts or if he acted as Peter’s interpreter for these writings.
  • Mark is a fast paced approach to introducing the Son of God (or as he is referred to in this book – the Son of Man)
  • Mark is more about highlights. “It’s the greatest news story of all times.” It is an exciting account of the gospel, otherwise known as the “good news”.
  • Mark records about half of Jesus’ miracles.
  • Mark focuses on action not speeches.
  • Straightway or immediately is used 41 times in this book.
  • The emphasis of this book is discipleship and persecution or suffering.
  • Mark was a great encouragement to suffering Christians during persecution under Nero.
The Book of Mark is 16 Chapters long. We will cover one Chapter a day. I will do my best to write comments & questions to challenge you in your own study of this book. Please remember to leave your own comments & questions as well. We will get started with Chapter 1 on Wednesday, February 24th. We will cover a Proverbs or Psalms on Saturdays & Sundays. I won’t always cover everything in a chapter, maybe just bits and pieces or maybe just one topic in particular. If you have something you want to add or another topic to talk about, let’s hear it.

In the future, we will either go through another book of the Bible, a specific study in the Bible, or another book all together. If you have suggestions of a book you would like to go through, please let me know.

Looking forward to getting started…

Friday, February 19, 2010

Online Book Club

Dear Ladies,

I am very excited about embarking on this new adventure with you and wanted to share my initial thoughts. My purpose behind wanting to have an online book club is twofold:
  1. Even in the busyness of life and crazy schedules, I want us to have a place where we can “meet” together (at your convenience), “talk” about what the Lord is teaching us and “connect” with one another on a deeper level.
  2. Secondly, and most importantly, I want us to dig deeper into the word of God both together and on our own and share the insights that the Holy Spirit has given us in those times of study.
I have prayed and thought long and hard about the best way to establish this group. The blog style book club is the easiest way I could think of for us to all be able to share comments and questions. I hope that you will find this format to be easy and enjoyable.

There are only a couple ground rules before we get started…
  • I want to strongly encourage you to fully participate. If you have a comment about something you read either in the Bible or in the comments that I or others will write, please “talk” to us by leaving a comment. Please share your heart with us or ask questions.
  • Please use your real name when you sign up so that we know who you are. This will lend to more connection.
  • If you need more direction or conversation than a simple comment can accommodate, please contact me personally and I will be more than happy to talk with you.
  • Have fun studying the word and getting to know your fellow online “friends”.
  • You are more than welcome to invite other to join us in participating in this book club.
  • If you fall behind in your reading, please just pick up where we are at and continue along with us.
  • Lastly, please refrain from giving advice. This is an open forum, however, if any inappropriate “conversation” or “comments” are given, I will take the liberty to delete them.
I pray this will be a great adventure that we can all experience together and am happy that you are coming along with us!

Many blessings,

Pamela Pegg
New Horizons Church
Women’s Pastor