Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Coffee & Conversation - Postponed

Hi Ladies,
There are only a couple of you that are able to make it tonight so I am going to postpone Coffee & Conversation until Friday, May 7th if that works for everyone. We will meet at my house at 6:30pm. We'll just do snacks and drinks. If anyone would like to bring anything, please feel free. I will have things available too. Hope you have a great couple weeks off!


Chapter 10

Last chapter. Short and sweet. Mordecai, in all his humility, faithfulness, loyalty, respect and trust worthiness is considered great. It is like that scripture... if you want to be great in God's kingdom, learn to be the servant of all. Well Mordecai is not only great in God's kingdom but also was honored on the earth. What an amazing blessing to be trusted to be second in command only under the king and to also be written in history as someone with authority and someone who was relied on by the king. I don't think the king even knew he couldn't trust Haman but I believe he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could trust Mordecai. "...he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews." What an incredible legacy.

Blessings to each of you! I'll be on vacation next week so we will start up something new in the beginning of May. Let me know if you have suggestions... another book of the Bible or a book.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Coffee and Conversation

Only one very small chapter left. Let me know if it would be possible to get together for conversation on Wednesday or Thursday evening - maybe around 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come to my house and we can sit in the backyard and enjoy some snacks and hot beverages. Please let me know which day would work better for you. Have a great Monday!

Esther 9

What an amazing victory again for the Jews! God saw them through every aspect of this trial and took care of them. The Jews took victory over their enemies but did not take the plunder because it was a holy war, a war commanded by the Lord and not for their financial gain. Haman and his sons had been made an example of as a deterrent if anyone would think to attack the Jews again.

Purim became a time of celebration for the Jews instead of a day of destruction for the Jews. This would be a celebration that would never die throughout the ages and would be a reminder for all generations of how the Lord had delivered the Jews. It was made to be a day of generosity and goodwill to all people. What an amazing God we serve!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Esther 8

What a beautiful thing. God's favor poured out once again on the Jews through King Xerxes. Mordecai must have stood back and looked at Esther as proud as any father could be for her courage and willingness to sacrifice all for the good of her people. However, the trouble is not yet over. In those days, what the king said was it. They couldn't just change their minds and say we aren't doing that now. So the Jew were still in danger. Esther, once again, pleads with the king begging him to put an end to Haman's plan. Even though Haman was dead - he plan was still very well in tact. The only way to help the Jews was to allow another decree to be written and sent out in the king's name that could supersede the previous one. This one would allow the Jews to fight back, to protect themselves instead of just be lined up and executed with no chance of survival. I love that this was the king idea to have them write this decree. I don't know if that shows that he really cared but it was a decision that HE made. All throughout the rest of the book, I'm not sure he made any good decisions and the majority of them weren't his ideas. Maybe this shows hope for King Xerxes. The Lord must have looked favorably upon that decision.

This chapter also shows us just how organized and together the king's palace is. The secretaries were there ready to get things in order and did the job of writing a new edict very quickly and getting it out by courier prior to the time it would have been too late for action. I can't even imagine the work that went in to this. It wasn't like they had copy machines and FedEx. This was all done swiftly by hand and by horse. Pretty amazing.

I love how this chapter end with Mordecai wearing royal robes... Haman must have rolled over in his grave or on his stick. There was much celebration and joy and many came to be Jews because of it. What a great encouragement for them.

Hope you all have a very blessed weekend! See you again on Monday!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Esther 7

Half the kingdom - again we see this being said by the king. It isn't a literal meaning of I will actually give you half the kingdom but it was a "stock phrase used by ancient monarchs to express favor." There's that word again... everywhere around Esther is favor. It's a promise to grant anything that is asked. My footnotes say that "Xerxes knew Esther would not dare approach him unless she had a very important reason. Esther had succeeded in arousing both his admiration and curiosity."

Grant me life and that of my people - Esther's requests were already half granted. Xerxes granted Esther her life when she came before him unannounced and he extended to her the scepter. As for her people, he didn't even know who they were. Slavery didn't have the same "negative connotation" as it does today. So for slavery she wouldn't have risked everything.

Haman nails his own coffin - The word says that pride comes before a fall. Not all people's pride leads to hanging but in this case, Haman's did. Not only did he threaten the queen and her people but then he appears to throw himself at her leading to more of the kings wrath. For a king like Xerxes, an explanation just wouldn't do. He had sealed his coffin before he could even begin to explain. To add insult to very serious injury... he was hung on the gallows that he intended to humiliate the very person who received all the honor he expected. Ouch!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Esther 6

I just have a few question for today.... Why do you think that Mordecai was never honored for saving the king? How do you think you would feel if you were Haman thinking the king was going to honor you and then realize he means to honor the very person you were getting ready to kill? Can you image walking through the streets in shame as the man you hate is sitting on the kings horse being honored? What do you think Haman was thinking when he was told he could not stand against Mordecai or his people? Now off to another banquet!

Haven't heard from many of you.... if you are still with us and studying - let us know! Have a blessed week! See you Wednesday!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Esther 5

I would love to hear your thoughts about today's chapter...

Esther going to the king, the king's response, what you think "even up to half my kingdom" means, Esther's request for Haman to attend her banquet with the king, Esther's request for a second banquet, Haman's response to getting to come to the banquet, Haman's rage against Mordecai, the building of the gallows...

I'd love to hear what you thought about all of these things or other insights the Lord gave you. I'm just going to let us all have a "conversation" about it today and not put anything extra here except for my own comments later.

Hope you all have a beautiful weekend and enjoy this nice weather!!! Blessings!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Esther 4

Have you ever felt as distressed as Mordecai and all the Jews? Things may have gotten really bad but I can't imagine any of us have even thought of having to deal with someone scheduling your annihilation. No wonder they mourned, ripped their clothes and wore sack clothe and ashes. I can only imagine how scary that must have been. However, this chapter, under all the doom and gloom, is underlined with hope...

Mordecai believed the Jews could be saved. Esther may have been in a royal position for such a time as this. I think it is interesting that Esther had to be told by Mordecai what was happening. That just shows us how sheltered her life was and also the distance she had from the king and the city.

Esther knew the consequences of approaching the king could be death. I love her wisdom in having Mordecai, all the Jews and even herself and her maids fast. There could have been no better plan to do in the midst of such an important decision. Really a life altering or possibly ending decision. What a great example for us to remember to fast and pray when we have something important going on and need to hear from the Lord. There is no better way than to thirst and hunger for the Lord 's direction in our lives.

This chapter eludes to God. Verse 14 says " For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place," That "other" place is God. Mordecai knew the Lord would deliver his people as He has always done.

Has the Lord delivered you from a bad situation? from destruction? from the darkest time in your life? He is so faithful and even if right now happens to be one of those dark times, don't forget that He is faithful. He is good ALL the time and He loves you more than anything. Cry out to Him and He will give rest, as well as the answer or help you need.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We discussed at our first face to face over coffee that we would try to have more "conversation" on the blog. Please come back and read the comments. Join in on the conversation by commenting on something someone else has said or posting something you got out of the chapter. We want to hear from you. Please do your best to post at least one comment each week. Hope you are all enjoying Esther!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Esther 3

Haman was not a kind man. He was out for power and honor that was due a kind but he wasn't a king. He was out for blood. It wasn't good enough to just kill Mordecai for his lack of honoring him, he wanted to kill all the Jews. This desire became his own demise.

Adar = Feb or Mar in our calendar year
For ancient calendars they planned events a year in advance.
Die or pur were cast to determine dates for important events.

Haman presented the idea of getting rid of a group of people to the kind without the kind seeming to give it much thought. The king very willingly gave Haman his authority by giving him his ring and allowing Haman to do as he pleased with the people.

The amount of money that Haman offered to put in the royal treasury was equivalent to 55,000,000 today. Either Haman was a very wealthy man already or he understood the wealth of the Jews. The king however, wasn't interested in the money or the people. What kind of king was Xerxes? He really didn't seem to care about people and apparently had more money than he knew what to do with.

There was a long history of animosity between the Amalekites and the Jews. The Jews were more unaware of this history and the decree was shocking to them. They didn't understand the reasons for their scheduled destruction. The Jews were hard working and supportive people. They wanted prosperity for Persia.

The kind and Haman sitting down to drink was proof of their total disregard for life... especially that of Jewish life.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Esther 2

This chapter begins with Xerxes and almost sounds like he had a little regret about getting rid of Vashti. Maybe he overreacted a bit?

About Esther:
She was cousins with Mordecai.
She was an orphan and was raised by her cousin Mordecai.
She was a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin.
She had two names: Hadassah (her Hebrew name) and Esther (her Persian name).
She was lovely in form & feature.

The Harem:
It was likely that the girls taken into the palace for treatments were not given a choice. Men were supreme and women were subservient. That is just the way it was.

The Favor:
Esther & Mordecai finds favor all throughout this book. First off, Esther finds favor with Hegai. Throughout this book he will be there for her, helping her along and almost seems as though he becomes her friend. God was very good to Esther.

Her Heritage:
Esther was forbidden to share her ethnic background. This could get her in a lot of trouble & be very dangerous.

A little girl talk:
So would it really be so bad to have beauty treatments for 12 months? I'm thinking not so much. It would be awesome to get massages, facial, mud wraps etc., everyday. Sounds kind of nice. But I know it probably wasn't really like that. It was probably more like going to school & being made to eat, act, think & smell a certain way. Maybe not as fun as I thought.

More Favor:
Esther seems to win favor everywhere.... this time with the King. Why do you think this is so?

Mordecai's Position:
Mordecai has an important position by the King's gate. I don't think this was coincidence or an accident that he overheard the plot to kill the King & was able to pass it on to Esther would had already won favor with the King. This was just the beginning of what God would do through both of them.

I pray that you all have a very blessed weekend & are able to fully enjoy & remember the death & resurrection of our precious Savior. What a gift he gave us and what a wonderful thing to be able to celebrate each year. I pray it is a wonderful time for you & your family! Blessings!