Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mark 1

Ready to get started? Today I will touch on almost every aspect of this Chapter. Some days I'll focus in on just a few...

John - The book of Mark starts with John the Baptist. Have you read about Jesus relationship with John? This is one of my favorite stories. They were cousins and the Bible says that John lept in the womb when Mary visited John's mother. Jesus was also in the womb when this happened. What a sweet faith John had even before he was born! John devoted his life to calling people back to God. I love that John and Jesus were able to share the experience together of water baptism.

Holy Spirit Baptism - Jesus already had the spirit but by water baptism, he was able to identify himself with sinful humanity. This was validation of who he was and his earthy mission.

Temptation - Jesus was tempted to show us that temptation doesn't need to end in failure. This was meant to be an encouragement to us. Are there times in your life when you have felt tempted but also had an unbelievable out? I hope you are able to find encouragement in this.

Jesus prays - Jesus is our example. He got up early, alone, went to a solitary place and prayed. If it was important for Jesus to do this, how much more important is it for us to do this? Do you have a place where you like to go and pray? Do you need to find a place? Ask God about it.

Man with leprosy - I love the part where the man asks Jesus if he is willing and Jesus says, "I am willing." He is SO willing to do beyond what we can even imagine at times... have we been asking? Have you asked the Lord to heal your relationships? Your marriage? To show you how to deal with the overwhelming problem or issue in your life? If not, take time now and every day to ask. The word says to pray without ceasing. His timing and his healing will come.

I pray that you find encouragement in His word today as you dig in and get acquainted with the book of Mark and have time with your precious Savior. What did you like about this chapter?

I want to hear from you... please remember to write your comments, observations & questions. Let's talk about it!

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