Friday, September 24, 2010

Silence, Stillness and Centering before God

Daily Office Devotional: Read Mark 11:15-17..Jesus' intense anger and overturning of tables in the temple courts ought to make us gasp. He knows that if we don't get to God, invaluable treasures will be lost or obscured. We lose the space where we experience God's unfailing love and incredible forgiveness. We lose an eternal perspective on what is important and what is not. We lose compassion. We gain the world but lose our souls (Mark 8:36-37)

Question to Consider: How would you describe "what is secondary" in your life, the thing that might be "blocking the way" to experiencing God?

Prayer: Lord, help me to see how much I lose when I lose you. My perspective on my life and all of life gets distorted when I don't make space for you, obscuring your love for me. Your love is better than life and truly, I long for more tastes of that love. In Jesus' name, amen.

1 comment:

  1. If we are going to know the truth about the areas that block us from God, we must earnestly ask Him to reveal those areas to us, because so often we have our own perceptions of things that don't really line up with what God sees going on in our lives. After we ask God to reveal His truth to us, then we must be willing to wait on Him, receive His answer, and make changes. If we're afraid to ask God for the truth about our lives, that means we're usually hiding from Him.
