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Some facts about the Book of Esther to get us started:
- This book shows God's involvement with His people.
- God's name is not mentioned once in this book, however, His influence is definitely there.
- The author is unknown but was a devout Jew.
- This book was written as a historical account, recording events leading up to the Jewish observance of Purim and as assurance to God's people of His protection.
- This book was written in Persia around 460 & 350 BC.
- This book is about revealing God's character, faithfulness & provision for those who trust in Him even through tragic events.
- King Xerxes ruled from 485-465 BC and was the son and successor of Darius I.
- Susa is 150 miles North of the Persian Gulf in southwestern Iran known today as Khuzistan.
- Cush is in the upper Nile Region. (now that is perfectly clear, we all know exactly where that is right?! : ) )
This display or celebration went on for 6 months. Can you even imagine that? Why so long? Apparently Xerxes wealth came from overcoming Egypt & Babylon. This also gave Xerxes enough time to celebrate with his military & also for planning future military action. This would also impress his friends & enemies alike.
In that time it was unlawful to drink unless the king was drinking. Xerxes lifted this law & allowed everyone to drive whenever & however much they wanted.
It wasn't the norm that men & women were segregated. It is possible that the drunkenness of the men was inappropriate for the women so they had separate banquets. This explains why Queen Vashti wasn't with her King.
Why would the Queen refuse the King's summons? There are several possibilities... it could have been political but most likely it was to avoid a bad situation. It is thought that Queen Vashti was asked to appear before the drunken mess of men with nothing but a crown on her head. I could imagine after days and days of drunkenness & separation, the prospect of coming before the men would be quite scary & possibly even dangerous for her. Or maybe she was just having too much fun herself having six months of "Ladies Night" - playing games, doing pedicures, etc. Despite the reason, she still refused the king causing him much anger.
So this leads us to the big "S" word... submission. Obviously a king & queens relationship is different than that of a husband & wife relationship. However, in both instances the wife or Queen is meant to submit to her man. In a marriage relationship the wife submits to her husband & her husband loves his wife. This is a command from God not a suggestion. (Eph. 5:21) As well as both honoring the Lord. If you are married - do you have issues or hang ups about submission? If you're not married - do you think it is a hard concept to grasp? Why or why not? Let's talk about it...
The rest of the chapter includes the plan of Queen Vashti being replaced due to her lack of submission. Let the games begin...