Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mark 5

There is a common theme in Mark 5. Going to the feet of Jesus.

The demon possessed man, the woman & the man with the daughter all had faith that Jesus could and would heal them. They all came to the feet of Jesus.

What are you believing Jesus for? What are you on your knees about? What causes you to sit at the feet of Jesus and just wait on Him? I know we all have big things going on in our lives but I hope we also take time to sit at His feet just to know Him better, just to soak Him in, just to be in His presence, just to hear His voice. Please take some time to sit at His feet today. He is always waiting for you and loves you so much!

1 comment:

  1. We are all on a journey with our Lord Jesus. Sitting at his feet is so important for me. I do not want to run before Jesus. I want to be smack in the middle of HIS WILL for my life and my family's life. I having been asking for a long time for Jesus to completely heal my left knee. I have no cartiledge left and there is arthritis in both knees. I have 80 year old knees in a 44 year old body. I have good days and bad days. I try not to dwell on the bad, rather I try to stay on my knees praying for others' needs. One day I will be healed! I have faith that my left knee will be completely restored to its original state. I beleive just as they did in the days of Jesus that I will be healed. I do not want to miss my healing when Jesus walks by me. My prayer is to not let the hustle and bustle of life get the best of me. But rather, I sit at Jesus' feet daily and hear his voice clearly. He has told me today to be the one I am calling you to be. That is, reach out to the hurting and the lost and be bold about it no matter the costs!
