Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mark 11

The fig tree had leaves but no fruit. It wasn't even the season for leaves so naturally you might think if it did have leaves it would also have fruit. How else can we look at this? If we say a lot of christian words but don't have the actions behind it, we are like the fig tree. If we attend church on Sunday but don't really listen and apply the message to our lives, we look a little bit more like a fig tree. If we make promises or commitments that we don't keep or talk behind someones back, we just grew a whole lot of fig leaves and no fruit. It's no wonder the Lord found there was no fruit.

The fig tree actually represented Israel and it's "spiritual unfruitfulness". There is an explanation in my Bible that I love... it says "The one who prays correctly will leave room for God's will to overrule any request." (Matt 6:10) That is definitely praying with faith that our Heavenly Father loves us and wants His best for us! What big things are you having faith for?

1 comment:

  1. Mark 11: The cursing of the fig tree is such a multi-faceted lesson: While the fig tree that was cursed represented Israel's current condition, it was also a look at its future judgment for rejecting its Messiah, “But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven." (A lesson for all mankind)

    So just as it began in the Garden with Adam and Eve being clothed with the fig leaf, now it ends. The fig leaf is stripped away. They have rejected their Messiah and are without excuse.

    Still, in spite of their rejection of Jesus as Messiah, I believe that Jesus never lost his longing to connect with his people and be embraced by them. Sometimes the deepest anger and hurt go along with the greatest rejection. (He came to earth in human form, God yet man) But in all things he sinned not. What an example he has set before us as to how we should live.....

    The biggest thing I am having faith for is for this nation to also stop rejecting Jesus as Messiah, and for this country to stop justifying abortion.
