Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mark 14 (up to vs 43)

The perfume... reminds me of the story told early of the woman giving the coins in the offering. She gave all she had with no abandon. Mary did the same here with the perfume. She seemed to understand that the end was near for Jesus. What an encouraging gift to him. I pray that I am able to see the opportunities when the Lord gives them to me just like Mary did. She actually left a legacy that the Lord wanted people to hear about. Very precious.

The very next sentence, Judas goes to betray Jesus. Can you imagine the things Jesus must have been feeling? Then to tell all the disciples about the upcoming betrayal must have been so hard. Would we have responded as they did and saying "Not I!" Even the best of the best thought they would not deny Jesus. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Verses 32-42 stood out to me differently today. I have been trying to focus more on prayer and the importance of it and how to pray. This section of scripture is interesting and again, kind of sad. Jesus asks the disciples who were with him to pray while he spent time along with the Father. Three times he comes back to the disciples and they are asleep instead of keeping watch and praying. Jesus actually says "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." Once again - Jesus is foretelling the future - pray so you won't be tempted. Had the disciples stayed awake and prayed - would things have gone differently? I think Jesus knew they would but also knew that they would fall asleep. He was desperate for his disciples, his friends to pray for him while he prepared for his death, but they weren't even able to do that. Kind of breaks your heart doesn't it?

My Bible sheds some insight on the subject. "In the loneliness that comes while awaiting death, Jesus longed for the presence of friends who would pray with him. In addition, the disciples needed to pray for their own benefit, considering their predicted denial, cowardice and abandonment of Jesus. Their boasts of allegiance (v. 31) appear pathetic in the light of their behavior as the night wore on. Their failure to pray would make them an easy mark when assaulted by fear and temptation."

How often have we left the Lord waiting on us... longing for us to talk to him and pray? It's a good wake up call to see how important prayer was to Jesus while he was on earth... it has to be equally important now.


  1. For Jesus to be filled with horror and deep distress is so sad for me. The thought of him being afraid for what is to come...wanting to know his friends are praying with him...that they have his back. When in fact they do not. This is just a sad section. We like to think of Christ as strong and powerful like God but we see here his human-ness. He suffered so much for us. I am humbled.

  2. I have my endocrinology appt in the morning. I am praying that they will be able to get my insulin pump amounts figured out so that my blood sugars will improve. My kidney is doing great, my sugars not so much. Please keep me in prayer. Thanks.

  3. We'll be praying for you Beverly!
