Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mark 10

Come on Ladies, I haven't seen any comments in a couple days. Are you still with me? Let's hear what you have to say.

Two points I want to make from Chapter 10... 17-31 Jesus point is not to tell us that we all have to give everything up in order to follow Him. His point for the Rich Man was that his wealth was keeping him for a full and complete relationship with Jesus. Jesus wants to bless his children but it is so important that we don't put things above Him.... our home, our car, even our relationships.... there is no material possession that can be better than a relationship with Jesus. He doesn't want us to be overly attached to our possessions and may ask us to sacrifice things at times in order to teach us or show us to trust and obey Him.

46-52 A very simple point can be made here. A blind man sees what other's can't. He calls Jesus "the Son of David" (the prophesied Messiah). I think it is such a precious thought to think of the man running over to Jesus and not begging him for sight but just simply saying - "Rabbi, I want to see!" His faith healed him and he followed Jesus along the road. I don't know why but that just puts a smile on my face and I can almost see him bouncing down the road behind Jesus so excited to take it all in.

What did you take away from this Chapter?


  1. All things through God are possible. If we put him first all the things we possess will only be more meaningful regardless if it is material or relationship. Jesus foretold what was to happen to him, evidence that he loved us so much to continue his journey. How blessed am I to be able to know his love.

  2. I love this - When the rich man asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, and the man said he had kept the commandments Jesus named, verse 21 says that "Jesus looked at him and loved him." Jesus loved him even though he knew what the man's response was going to be. He loves everyone that way.

  3. I wonder...with all of my health problems, would I have learned the lessons of my life were I to have met Jesus and been healed by Him in a crowd long ago? I have to think that I might not...I love Romans 5:3-5 We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
