If you are interested in seeing this online study continue, please let us know. So far we haven't had much response to the study, but if anyone is interested we will be more than happy to start a new study. You can either email me or post a comment.
Thanks... Debra
Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Silence, Stillness and Centering before God
Daily Office Devotional....Read Genesis 32:22-26, 30
Jacob's name can mean "cheat" or "grabber," and he lives up to his name. He is manipulative , deceptive, and aggressive - not someone who could qualify as a well-scrubbed member of First Church. Jacob is a seriously flawed person growing up in a dysfunctional family. He seems to be either getting into trouble or just getting out of it or about to make some more.
Jacob's story is so universal because it is so personal. Throughout his life, Jacob had been stubborn and unwilling to trust anyone - even God. It is at the Jabbok Brook that Jacob is finally broken by God and radically transformed. He is given a new name and a new freedom to live as God originally intended. This comes, however, at the price of a permanent limp that now renders him helpless and desperate to cling to God. And it is out of this weak place of dependence that
Jacob becomes a nation (Israel) in order to bless the world.
In the same way God, sometimes, wounds us in our journey with him in order to move us out of an unhealthy, "tip of the iceberg" spirituality to one that truly transforms us from the inside out. When these come, we can deny them, cover them, get angry with God, blame others, or, like Jacob, we can cling desperately to God.
Question to consider: In what way(s) has God put your life or plans "out of joint" so that you might depend on him?
Prayer: Father, I relate to Jacob in striving, manipulating, scheming, denying, and spinning half-truths to those around me in order to get my way. At times, I too find myself serving you in order to get something from you. Lord, I invite you to teach me to live in dependence on you. Help me rest and be still in your love alone. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jacob's name can mean "cheat" or "grabber," and he lives up to his name. He is manipulative , deceptive, and aggressive - not someone who could qualify as a well-scrubbed member of First Church. Jacob is a seriously flawed person growing up in a dysfunctional family. He seems to be either getting into trouble or just getting out of it or about to make some more.
Jacob's story is so universal because it is so personal. Throughout his life, Jacob had been stubborn and unwilling to trust anyone - even God. It is at the Jabbok Brook that Jacob is finally broken by God and radically transformed. He is given a new name and a new freedom to live as God originally intended. This comes, however, at the price of a permanent limp that now renders him helpless and desperate to cling to God. And it is out of this weak place of dependence that
Jacob becomes a nation (Israel) in order to bless the world.
In the same way God, sometimes, wounds us in our journey with him in order to move us out of an unhealthy, "tip of the iceberg" spirituality to one that truly transforms us from the inside out. When these come, we can deny them, cover them, get angry with God, blame others, or, like Jacob, we can cling desperately to God.
Question to consider: In what way(s) has God put your life or plans "out of joint" so that you might depend on him?
Prayer: Father, I relate to Jacob in striving, manipulating, scheming, denying, and spinning half-truths to those around me in order to get my way. At times, I too find myself serving you in order to get something from you. Lord, I invite you to teach me to live in dependence on you. Help me rest and be still in your love alone. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Silence, Stillness and Centering before God
Daily Office Devotional: Read Mark 11:15-17..Jesus' intense anger and overturning of tables in the temple courts ought to make us gasp. He knows that if we don't get to God, invaluable treasures will be lost or obscured. We lose the space where we experience God's unfailing love and incredible forgiveness. We lose an eternal perspective on what is important and what is not. We lose compassion. We gain the world but lose our souls (Mark 8:36-37)
Question to Consider: How would you describe "what is secondary" in your life, the thing that might be "blocking the way" to experiencing God?
Prayer: Lord, help me to see how much I lose when I lose you. My perspective on my life and all of life gets distorted when I don't make space for you, obscuring your love for me. Your love is better than life and truly, I long for more tastes of that love. In Jesus' name, amen.
Question to Consider: How would you describe "what is secondary" in your life, the thing that might be "blocking the way" to experiencing God?
Prayer: Lord, help me to see how much I lose when I lose you. My perspective on my life and all of life gets distorted when I don't make space for you, obscuring your love for me. Your love is better than life and truly, I long for more tastes of that love. In Jesus' name, amen.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Hi Everyone! I apologize for the late post. I had some family stuff come up that needed my attention.
The scripture reference (from our EHS Workbook)is I Sam 17:26-45. In this famous story, the army of Israel faces the great army of the Philistines. For forty days, Goliath, described as nine feet tall and dressed in powerful weaponry, challenges any Israelite soldier to come out and fight him. When the Israelites saw him, however, "they all ran from him in great fear." The story begins after David hears, for the first time, Goliath's humiliating challenge to Israel's army.
Read I Sam 17:26-45 and answer the questions below.
#1) What question does David ask after hearing Goliath's challenge? (vs 26)
#2) What are some of the challenges, accusations, and messages David is getting from the people around him: From David's family (Vs 28), From Saul (vs 33,38) From Goliath(vs 41-45)
#3) What feelings might you be experiencing if you were David? For example, what feelings might you have towards your sibling? Towards a person in authority over you like Saul? Towards a Goliath.
#4) How does David live out his true self against the powerful forces and pressures that seek to mold him into someone he is not?
DEBRA'S COMMENTS: Before this confrontation with Goliath, David spent many years tending his father's sheep. During his wilderness experience, two things happened. First, David honed his skills as a warrior, protecting his sheep. Second, he came to intimately know his heavenly Father. Both of these things contributed towards his attitude towards Goliath (see vs 36-37, 45). Another important thing that happened during David's wilderness experience is that he had a lot of time to examine his own heart and get things straightened around before this moment. For example, he had been anointed by Samuel to be king over Israel, and here he was still tending sheep.
When the time for the confrontation came, David held onto his faith in spite of those around him; even his own brothers were against him. (vs 28) Satan loves to come and rob us of our faith, any way he can. So not only do we have to hold onto our faith, and fight the good fight, so to speak, but we also have to examine our own hearts and determine if there is something we are holding onto that is keeping us from exercising faith. It could be a buried emotion, a bad experience that we had, or something else that undermines our faith. Any place in our hearts that is not healed and not open to the light of the Lord is an area where the enemy can shipwreck our faith. God is never surprised by what's in our hearts. All He wants to do is forgive us our sins and heal us, but He can't do that until we open ourselves up to Him.
After you've had a chance to look at these questions and think about them, please feel free to comment, either by answering the questions or posting your comments related to this discussion. I look forward to hearing from you!
The scripture reference (from our EHS Workbook)is I Sam 17:26-45. In this famous story, the army of Israel faces the great army of the Philistines. For forty days, Goliath, described as nine feet tall and dressed in powerful weaponry, challenges any Israelite soldier to come out and fight him. When the Israelites saw him, however, "they all ran from him in great fear." The story begins after David hears, for the first time, Goliath's humiliating challenge to Israel's army.
Read I Sam 17:26-45 and answer the questions below.
#1) What question does David ask after hearing Goliath's challenge? (vs 26)
#2) What are some of the challenges, accusations, and messages David is getting from the people around him: From David's family (Vs 28), From Saul (vs 33,38) From Goliath(vs 41-45)
#3) What feelings might you be experiencing if you were David? For example, what feelings might you have towards your sibling? Towards a person in authority over you like Saul? Towards a Goliath.
#4) How does David live out his true self against the powerful forces and pressures that seek to mold him into someone he is not?
DEBRA'S COMMENTS: Before this confrontation with Goliath, David spent many years tending his father's sheep. During his wilderness experience, two things happened. First, David honed his skills as a warrior, protecting his sheep. Second, he came to intimately know his heavenly Father. Both of these things contributed towards his attitude towards Goliath (see vs 36-37, 45). Another important thing that happened during David's wilderness experience is that he had a lot of time to examine his own heart and get things straightened around before this moment. For example, he had been anointed by Samuel to be king over Israel, and here he was still tending sheep.
When the time for the confrontation came, David held onto his faith in spite of those around him; even his own brothers were against him. (vs 28) Satan loves to come and rob us of our faith, any way he can. So not only do we have to hold onto our faith, and fight the good fight, so to speak, but we also have to examine our own hearts and determine if there is something we are holding onto that is keeping us from exercising faith. It could be a buried emotion, a bad experience that we had, or something else that undermines our faith. Any place in our hearts that is not healed and not open to the light of the Lord is an area where the enemy can shipwreck our faith. God is never surprised by what's in our hearts. All He wants to do is forgive us our sins and heal us, but He can't do that until we open ourselves up to Him.
After you've had a chance to look at these questions and think about them, please feel free to comment, either by answering the questions or posting your comments related to this discussion. I look forward to hearing from you!
Monday, August 23, 2010
About to get started again
Hi Ladies!
Just wanted to let everyone know we'll be getting started again with the book club here soon! Debra Macon will be helping me out with posting and discussion. Please let us know if you'll be participating with us! I'll let you know as soon as we start up again!
Have a great day!
Just wanted to let everyone know we'll be getting started again with the book club here soon! Debra Macon will be helping me out with posting and discussion. Please let us know if you'll be participating with us! I'll let you know as soon as we start up again!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Just wanted to check in with everyone. Are you interested in continuing a study through the summer or are we needing a break? Let me know your thoughts. If we do something over the summer, Debra Macon has agreed to help me with the study and would be doing the posting. But I do want to make sure that we are all in agreement to move forward and not take a break. Please write your comments below! Thanks!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Keep Pluggin Away
Since everyone is at different places in this, please just let me know where you are or if you need anything. If you want me to post more pages that are completed so that you can see them, I'd be happy to do that.
If this is just too overwhelming, please just set it aside and just read the chapters. We aren't doing this to overwhelm everyone but just to look at a different way to study. So if it isn't for you, no worries. We'll do something different next time.
Let me know what you need, what tools, what questions you have or if you have scrapped this all together and are ready to move on to something else.
Where would you like to go now???
If this is just too overwhelming, please just set it aside and just read the chapters. We aren't doing this to overwhelm everyone but just to look at a different way to study. So if it isn't for you, no worries. We'll do something different next time.
Let me know what you need, what tools, what questions you have or if you have scrapped this all together and are ready to move on to something else.
Where would you like to go now???
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Titus 2 & 3
Hi Ladies,
I apologize for not posting more this week. It has been a bit crazy. I will email you a new worksheet (also below) that you can take a look at and work on filling out. It will help you break down the book even a little further. Let me know if you have any questions on it.

Have you marked all your key words in the 3 chapters? Have you found themes for the paragraphs and the book itself? I want to hear how you are doing so please post something, even if it is saying you are behind but working on. I know a couple of you have told me how you are doing but haven't heard from the rest of you. Please let me know.
Have a great day!
I apologize for not posting more this week. It has been a bit crazy. I will email you a new worksheet (also below) that you can take a look at and work on filling out. It will help you break down the book even a little further. Let me know if you have any questions on it.
Have you marked all your key words in the 3 chapters? Have you found themes for the paragraphs and the book itself? I want to hear how you are doing so please post something, even if it is saying you are behind but working on. I know a couple of you have told me how you are doing but haven't heard from the rest of you. Please let me know.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Continuing On
Hi Ladies!
Not seeing much chatter on here. Let us all know how you are doing, things you have found, etc. What do you think is the theme of Titus? Let me know what you think. I'll give you the answer tomorrow.
Please continue to go through the chapters (2 & 3) and circle key words, find themes for each paragraph and then for the whole book if you haven't already.
I'll give you something new to look at tomorrow. Have a blessed time studying!
Not seeing much chatter on here. Let us all know how you are doing, things you have found, etc. What do you think is the theme of Titus? Let me know what you think. I'll give you the answer tomorrow.
Please continue to go through the chapters (2 & 3) and circle key words, find themes for each paragraph and then for the whole book if you haven't already.
I'll give you something new to look at tomorrow. Have a blessed time studying!
Friday, May 14, 2010
What to do now...
Today or over the weekend I'd like you to begin marking the key words in Titus 1. Please print out the copies of the chapter that I emailed you so that you can mark and write all over it. Here is an example of what I mean by marking key words. Use your colored pencils and as you go through the text...
So every time you see Paul or a reference to Paul, such as I, you will circle those words in purple. Every time you see Titus or a reference to him you will do a red rectangle around the word. Every time you see a conjunction word... but, for, or, so that, for this reason....etc. mark them with three dots above them in green.
And so on.
This is to help you see the meaning or purpose of the scripture more clearly. See point 3 below.
You want to begin a book study by doing an overview. Scripture should always be interpreted according to context. (understanding what the text means)
When you are looking at doing an overview of the scriptures, these are the things you want to pay attention to...
1) What type of literature it is (listed below)
2) Historical Setting - we need to understand the culture it was written in, mark people to identify this better and look at the who, what, when, where, why, how What do you think it is for Titus? The WHO is Paul, the author Titus the recipient and it is about those who contradict (you can mark the who contradict by underlining them in brown 2x)
3) Mark Key Words - this helps unlock the meaning to the text, they are usually repeated words, they are key to understanding the books message, if the word was removed the text would lose it's meaning
4) Lists (key word mapping), there are several lists in Titus. The first one starts in Vs 6 and goes to the end of Vs 9. It starts with 1 - above reproach 2 - the husband of one wife 3 - having children who believe 4 - above reproach 5 - not self- willed .... there are 18 points in this list. See if you can see the rest of them.
5) Theme/s - what is the key theme throughout this book?
6) Purpose - why was this book written?
Books like Song of Solomon, Psalm & Proverbs are poems or poetry.
Joshua & Exodus are narratives.
Kings is historical.
OK - I know I have given you a lot of information here. I have already given you the type of literature it is as well as the historical setting. Here is what you can do today and over the weekend:
1) Find explore the type of literature & historical setting for yourself.
2) Find an overall theme for the book of Titus
3) Find themes for each of the paragraphs in Titus 1
4) Mark the words listed on the "marking key words"
If you have more time and want to continue... go ahead and start marking the lists by putting a subscript 1, 2, 3, etc at each point of the list.
We will do the same for Chapter 2 on Monday. I'll send you Chapter 2 & 3 in your email today so you can mark all key words if you want to. Please let me know if you are struggling with anything or need help! Blessings!
And so on.
This is to help you see the meaning or purpose of the scripture more clearly. See point 3 below.
You want to begin a book study by doing an overview. Scripture should always be interpreted according to context. (understanding what the text means)
Con = with
Text = the weave
We start with the overview because it helps with the frame workCon = with
Text = the weave
When you are looking at doing an overview of the scriptures, these are the things you want to pay attention to...
1) What type of literature it is (listed below)
2) Historical Setting - we need to understand the culture it was written in, mark people to identify this better and look at the who, what, when, where, why, how What do you think it is for Titus? The WHO is Paul, the author Titus the recipient and it is about those who contradict (you can mark the who contradict by underlining them in brown 2x)
3) Mark Key Words - this helps unlock the meaning to the text, they are usually repeated words, they are key to understanding the books message, if the word was removed the text would lose it's meaning
4) Lists (key word mapping), there are several lists in Titus. The first one starts in Vs 6 and goes to the end of Vs 9. It starts with 1 - above reproach 2 - the husband of one wife 3 - having children who believe 4 - above reproach 5 - not self- willed .... there are 18 points in this list. See if you can see the rest of them.
5) Theme/s - what is the key theme throughout this book?
6) Purpose - why was this book written?
Types of literature written in the Bible.
- doctrinal
- letter
- poem/poetry
- phrophetic
- biographical
- historical
Books like Song of Solomon, Psalm & Proverbs are poems or poetry.
Joshua & Exodus are narratives.
Kings is historical.
OK - I know I have given you a lot of information here. I have already given you the type of literature it is as well as the historical setting. Here is what you can do today and over the weekend:
1) Find explore the type of literature & historical setting for yourself.
2) Find an overall theme for the book of Titus
3) Find themes for each of the paragraphs in Titus 1
4) Mark the words listed on the "marking key words"
If you have more time and want to continue... go ahead and start marking the lists by putting a subscript 1, 2, 3, etc at each point of the list.
We will do the same for Chapter 2 on Monday. I'll send you Chapter 2 & 3 in your email today so you can mark all key words if you want to. Please let me know if you are struggling with anything or need help! Blessings!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Titus 1
For today & Friday ONLY read Titus 1. Do not try to do too much or you will feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Try to do the following:
Jesus bless you as you study His word!
- check your email - I have given you the handouts to help you read, mark and explore these chapters. I have only emailed you Chapter 1 to work on for today and tomorrow. (if you have not received this in your email let me know so I can send it to you.)
- get a set of colored pencils (you'll need these soon)
- begin to see a common theme for this chapter
- begin to recognize a theme for each paragraph... the chapter is broken up into the following paragraphs: Vs 1-3, V 4, Vs 5-9, Vs 10-16 (when a verse number is BOLD, that is the beginning of a new paragraph)
- look for key words (words that are used more than 2 times), you can write these down and soon we will learn to mark them
- Recognize who wrote the book, who the book was written for
- read Titus Chapter 1 as many times as you need to in order to see the things above
Jesus bless you as you study His word!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Good morning Ladies!
We are going to get started on a new book today. We will be going through Titus "precept" style. We chose this book because it is short and precepts can be pretty intense so we are doing this as a starting point and to help each of us learn how to study the word of God even better. I will give you instructions and also scan in some resources for you as we go.
For today we will ONLY be reading through the book of Titus. There are things I want you to be thinking about as you read it but I don't want you to do anything else but read today. Part of doing precepts is to really read and study the word of God in an "inductive" way. This means to use your Bible as our primary source of study. Please refrain from using commentaries or any other sources to help you understand. We will be looking at ways for you to understand the word on your own. I'll give you more pointers as we go and if at any time, this gets confusing or you get lost at all, please let me know. I'll be there to help you every step of the way.
Precepts Mission: To establish people in God's word
Vision: People living as exemplary followers of Jesus Christ
Goal: to know God
Using the Bible as our primary source for study
There is a lot more information I can give you and I will give you more tomorrow but for today, I just want you to understand what it means to study the word inductively and just begin to ask yourself Who, What, When, Where, Why as you begin to read the book of Titus...
Who wrote the book?
What is the book written about?
When was the book written?
Where was the book written?
Why is the book written?
A couple things you will need... Get a notebook, folder or 3 ring binder so that you can begin to write things down as you study and find the answers. Get a set of colored pencils. Tomorrow we will mostly just be reading again. Friday, we will begin to do some markings. I'll give you a "key" as well as the worksheets with the text.
I hope you enjoy this. Please let me know if you have any questions. May the Lord reveal himself to you in a new way as you begin to study.
We are going to get started on a new book today. We will be going through Titus "precept" style. We chose this book because it is short and precepts can be pretty intense so we are doing this as a starting point and to help each of us learn how to study the word of God even better. I will give you instructions and also scan in some resources for you as we go.
For today we will ONLY be reading through the book of Titus. There are things I want you to be thinking about as you read it but I don't want you to do anything else but read today. Part of doing precepts is to really read and study the word of God in an "inductive" way. This means to use your Bible as our primary source of study. Please refrain from using commentaries or any other sources to help you understand. We will be looking at ways for you to understand the word on your own. I'll give you more pointers as we go and if at any time, this gets confusing or you get lost at all, please let me know. I'll be there to help you every step of the way.
Precepts Mission: To establish people in God's word
Vision: People living as exemplary followers of Jesus Christ
- Studying the Bible inductively
- Viewing the world biblically
- serving the church faithfully in the power of the Holy Spirit
Goal: to know God
Using the Bible as our primary source for study
- observation - examining what the text says (ask: Who, What, Where, Why, When)
- Interpretation - understanding what text means
- Application - applying meaning of text to my life 1) change of belief 2) change of behavior
There is a lot more information I can give you and I will give you more tomorrow but for today, I just want you to understand what it means to study the word inductively and just begin to ask yourself Who, What, When, Where, Why as you begin to read the book of Titus...
Who wrote the book?
What is the book written about?
When was the book written?
Where was the book written?
Why is the book written?
A couple things you will need... Get a notebook, folder or 3 ring binder so that you can begin to write things down as you study and find the answers. Get a set of colored pencils. Tomorrow we will mostly just be reading again. Friday, we will begin to do some markings. I'll give you a "key" as well as the worksheets with the text.
I hope you enjoy this. Please let me know if you have any questions. May the Lord reveal himself to you in a new way as you begin to study.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Coffee & Conversation - Postponed
Hi Ladies,
There are only a couple of you that are able to make it tonight so I am going to postpone Coffee & Conversation until Friday, May 7th if that works for everyone. We will meet at my house at 6:30pm. We'll just do snacks and drinks. If anyone would like to bring anything, please feel free. I will have things available too. Hope you have a great couple weeks off!
There are only a couple of you that are able to make it tonight so I am going to postpone Coffee & Conversation until Friday, May 7th if that works for everyone. We will meet at my house at 6:30pm. We'll just do snacks and drinks. If anyone would like to bring anything, please feel free. I will have things available too. Hope you have a great couple weeks off!
Chapter 10
Last chapter. Short and sweet. Mordecai, in all his humility, faithfulness, loyalty, respect and trust worthiness is considered great. It is like that scripture... if you want to be great in God's kingdom, learn to be the servant of all. Well Mordecai is not only great in God's kingdom but also was honored on the earth. What an amazing blessing to be trusted to be second in command only under the king and to also be written in history as someone with authority and someone who was relied on by the king. I don't think the king even knew he couldn't trust Haman but I believe he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could trust Mordecai. "...he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews." What an incredible legacy.
Blessings to each of you! I'll be on vacation next week so we will start up something new in the beginning of May. Let me know if you have suggestions... another book of the Bible or a book.
Blessings to each of you! I'll be on vacation next week so we will start up something new in the beginning of May. Let me know if you have suggestions... another book of the Bible or a book.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Coffee and Conversation
Only one very small chapter left. Let me know if it would be possible to get together for conversation on Wednesday or Thursday evening - maybe around 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come to my house and we can sit in the backyard and enjoy some snacks and hot beverages. Please let me know which day would work better for you. Have a great Monday!
Esther 9
What an amazing victory again for the Jews! God saw them through every aspect of this trial and took care of them. The Jews took victory over their enemies but did not take the plunder because it was a holy war, a war commanded by the Lord and not for their financial gain. Haman and his sons had been made an example of as a deterrent if anyone would think to attack the Jews again.
Purim became a time of celebration for the Jews instead of a day of destruction for the Jews. This would be a celebration that would never die throughout the ages and would be a reminder for all generations of how the Lord had delivered the Jews. It was made to be a day of generosity and goodwill to all people. What an amazing God we serve!
Purim became a time of celebration for the Jews instead of a day of destruction for the Jews. This would be a celebration that would never die throughout the ages and would be a reminder for all generations of how the Lord had delivered the Jews. It was made to be a day of generosity and goodwill to all people. What an amazing God we serve!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Esther 8
What a beautiful thing. God's favor poured out once again on the Jews through King Xerxes. Mordecai must have stood back and looked at Esther as proud as any father could be for her courage and willingness to sacrifice all for the good of her people. However, the trouble is not yet over. In those days, what the king said was it. They couldn't just change their minds and say we aren't doing that now. So the Jew were still in danger. Esther, once again, pleads with the king begging him to put an end to Haman's plan. Even though Haman was dead - he plan was still very well in tact. The only way to help the Jews was to allow another decree to be written and sent out in the king's name that could supersede the previous one. This one would allow the Jews to fight back, to protect themselves instead of just be lined up and executed with no chance of survival. I love that this was the king idea to have them write this decree. I don't know if that shows that he really cared but it was a decision that HE made. All throughout the rest of the book, I'm not sure he made any good decisions and the majority of them weren't his ideas. Maybe this shows hope for King Xerxes. The Lord must have looked favorably upon that decision.
This chapter also shows us just how organized and together the king's palace is. The secretaries were there ready to get things in order and did the job of writing a new edict very quickly and getting it out by courier prior to the time it would have been too late for action. I can't even imagine the work that went in to this. It wasn't like they had copy machines and FedEx. This was all done swiftly by hand and by horse. Pretty amazing.
I love how this chapter end with Mordecai wearing royal robes... Haman must have rolled over in his grave or on his stick. There was much celebration and joy and many came to be Jews because of it. What a great encouragement for them.
Hope you all have a very blessed weekend! See you again on Monday!
This chapter also shows us just how organized and together the king's palace is. The secretaries were there ready to get things in order and did the job of writing a new edict very quickly and getting it out by courier prior to the time it would have been too late for action. I can't even imagine the work that went in to this. It wasn't like they had copy machines and FedEx. This was all done swiftly by hand and by horse. Pretty amazing.
I love how this chapter end with Mordecai wearing royal robes... Haman must have rolled over in his grave or on his stick. There was much celebration and joy and many came to be Jews because of it. What a great encouragement for them.
Hope you all have a very blessed weekend! See you again on Monday!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Esther 7
Half the kingdom - again we see this being said by the king. It isn't a literal meaning of I will actually give you half the kingdom but it was a "stock phrase used by ancient monarchs to express favor." There's that word again... everywhere around Esther is favor. It's a promise to grant anything that is asked. My footnotes say that "Xerxes knew Esther would not dare approach him unless she had a very important reason. Esther had succeeded in arousing both his admiration and curiosity."
Grant me life and that of my people - Esther's requests were already half granted. Xerxes granted Esther her life when she came before him unannounced and he extended to her the scepter. As for her people, he didn't even know who they were. Slavery didn't have the same "negative connotation" as it does today. So for slavery she wouldn't have risked everything.
Haman nails his own coffin - The word says that pride comes before a fall. Not all people's pride leads to hanging but in this case, Haman's did. Not only did he threaten the queen and her people but then he appears to throw himself at her leading to more of the kings wrath. For a king like Xerxes, an explanation just wouldn't do. He had sealed his coffin before he could even begin to explain. To add insult to very serious injury... he was hung on the gallows that he intended to humiliate the very person who received all the honor he expected. Ouch!
Grant me life and that of my people - Esther's requests were already half granted. Xerxes granted Esther her life when she came before him unannounced and he extended to her the scepter. As for her people, he didn't even know who they were. Slavery didn't have the same "negative connotation" as it does today. So for slavery she wouldn't have risked everything.
Haman nails his own coffin - The word says that pride comes before a fall. Not all people's pride leads to hanging but in this case, Haman's did. Not only did he threaten the queen and her people but then he appears to throw himself at her leading to more of the kings wrath. For a king like Xerxes, an explanation just wouldn't do. He had sealed his coffin before he could even begin to explain. To add insult to very serious injury... he was hung on the gallows that he intended to humiliate the very person who received all the honor he expected. Ouch!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Esther 6
I just have a few question for today.... Why do you think that Mordecai was never honored for saving the king? How do you think you would feel if you were Haman thinking the king was going to honor you and then realize he means to honor the very person you were getting ready to kill? Can you image walking through the streets in shame as the man you hate is sitting on the kings horse being honored? What do you think Haman was thinking when he was told he could not stand against Mordecai or his people? Now off to another banquet!
Haven't heard from many of you.... if you are still with us and studying - let us know! Have a blessed week! See you Wednesday!
Haven't heard from many of you.... if you are still with us and studying - let us know! Have a blessed week! See you Wednesday!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Esther 5
I would love to hear your thoughts about today's chapter...
Esther going to the king, the king's response, what you think "even up to half my kingdom" means, Esther's request for Haman to attend her banquet with the king, Esther's request for a second banquet, Haman's response to getting to come to the banquet, Haman's rage against Mordecai, the building of the gallows...
I'd love to hear what you thought about all of these things or other insights the Lord gave you. I'm just going to let us all have a "conversation" about it today and not put anything extra here except for my own comments later.
Hope you all have a beautiful weekend and enjoy this nice weather!!! Blessings!!!
Esther going to the king, the king's response, what you think "even up to half my kingdom" means, Esther's request for Haman to attend her banquet with the king, Esther's request for a second banquet, Haman's response to getting to come to the banquet, Haman's rage against Mordecai, the building of the gallows...
I'd love to hear what you thought about all of these things or other insights the Lord gave you. I'm just going to let us all have a "conversation" about it today and not put anything extra here except for my own comments later.
Hope you all have a beautiful weekend and enjoy this nice weather!!! Blessings!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Esther 4
Have you ever felt as distressed as Mordecai and all the Jews? Things may have gotten really bad but I can't imagine any of us have even thought of having to deal with someone scheduling your annihilation. No wonder they mourned, ripped their clothes and wore sack clothe and ashes. I can only imagine how scary that must have been. However, this chapter, under all the doom and gloom, is underlined with hope...
Mordecai believed the Jews could be saved. Esther may have been in a royal position for such a time as this. I think it is interesting that Esther had to be told by Mordecai what was happening. That just shows us how sheltered her life was and also the distance she had from the king and the city.
Esther knew the consequences of approaching the king could be death. I love her wisdom in having Mordecai, all the Jews and even herself and her maids fast. There could have been no better plan to do in the midst of such an important decision. Really a life altering or possibly ending decision. What a great example for us to remember to fast and pray when we have something important going on and need to hear from the Lord. There is no better way than to thirst and hunger for the Lord 's direction in our lives.
This chapter eludes to God. Verse 14 says " For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place," That "other" place is God. Mordecai knew the Lord would deliver his people as He has always done.
Has the Lord delivered you from a bad situation? from destruction? from the darkest time in your life? He is so faithful and even if right now happens to be one of those dark times, don't forget that He is faithful. He is good ALL the time and He loves you more than anything. Cry out to Him and He will give rest, as well as the answer or help you need.
Mordecai believed the Jews could be saved. Esther may have been in a royal position for such a time as this. I think it is interesting that Esther had to be told by Mordecai what was happening. That just shows us how sheltered her life was and also the distance she had from the king and the city.
Esther knew the consequences of approaching the king could be death. I love her wisdom in having Mordecai, all the Jews and even herself and her maids fast. There could have been no better plan to do in the midst of such an important decision. Really a life altering or possibly ending decision. What a great example for us to remember to fast and pray when we have something important going on and need to hear from the Lord. There is no better way than to thirst and hunger for the Lord 's direction in our lives.
This chapter eludes to God. Verse 14 says " For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place," That "other" place is God. Mordecai knew the Lord would deliver his people as He has always done.
Has the Lord delivered you from a bad situation? from destruction? from the darkest time in your life? He is so faithful and even if right now happens to be one of those dark times, don't forget that He is faithful. He is good ALL the time and He loves you more than anything. Cry out to Him and He will give rest, as well as the answer or help you need.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
We discussed at our first face to face over coffee that we would try to have more "conversation" on the blog. Please come back and read the comments. Join in on the conversation by commenting on something someone else has said or posting something you got out of the chapter. We want to hear from you. Please do your best to post at least one comment each week. Hope you are all enjoying Esther!!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Esther 3
Haman was not a kind man. He was out for power and honor that was due a kind but he wasn't a king. He was out for blood. It wasn't good enough to just kill Mordecai for his lack of honoring him, he wanted to kill all the Jews. This desire became his own demise.
Adar = Feb or Mar in our calendar year
For ancient calendars they planned events a year in advance.
Die or pur were cast to determine dates for important events.
Haman presented the idea of getting rid of a group of people to the kind without the kind seeming to give it much thought. The king very willingly gave Haman his authority by giving him his ring and allowing Haman to do as he pleased with the people.
The amount of money that Haman offered to put in the royal treasury was equivalent to 55,000,000 today. Either Haman was a very wealthy man already or he understood the wealth of the Jews. The king however, wasn't interested in the money or the people. What kind of king was Xerxes? He really didn't seem to care about people and apparently had more money than he knew what to do with.
There was a long history of animosity between the Amalekites and the Jews. The Jews were more unaware of this history and the decree was shocking to them. They didn't understand the reasons for their scheduled destruction. The Jews were hard working and supportive people. They wanted prosperity for Persia.
The kind and Haman sitting down to drink was proof of their total disregard for life... especially that of Jewish life.
Adar = Feb or Mar in our calendar year
For ancient calendars they planned events a year in advance.
Die or pur were cast to determine dates for important events.
Haman presented the idea of getting rid of a group of people to the kind without the kind seeming to give it much thought. The king very willingly gave Haman his authority by giving him his ring and allowing Haman to do as he pleased with the people.
The amount of money that Haman offered to put in the royal treasury was equivalent to 55,000,000 today. Either Haman was a very wealthy man already or he understood the wealth of the Jews. The king however, wasn't interested in the money or the people. What kind of king was Xerxes? He really didn't seem to care about people and apparently had more money than he knew what to do with.
There was a long history of animosity between the Amalekites and the Jews. The Jews were more unaware of this history and the decree was shocking to them. They didn't understand the reasons for their scheduled destruction. The Jews were hard working and supportive people. They wanted prosperity for Persia.
The kind and Haman sitting down to drink was proof of their total disregard for life... especially that of Jewish life.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Esther 2
This chapter begins with Xerxes and almost sounds like he had a little regret about getting rid of Vashti. Maybe he overreacted a bit?
About Esther:
She was cousins with Mordecai.
She was an orphan and was raised by her cousin Mordecai.
She was a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin.
She had two names: Hadassah (her Hebrew name) and Esther (her Persian name).
She was lovely in form & feature.
The Harem:
It was likely that the girls taken into the palace for treatments were not given a choice. Men were supreme and women were subservient. That is just the way it was.
The Favor:
Esther & Mordecai finds favor all throughout this book. First off, Esther finds favor with Hegai. Throughout this book he will be there for her, helping her along and almost seems as though he becomes her friend. God was very good to Esther.
Her Heritage:
Esther was forbidden to share her ethnic background. This could get her in a lot of trouble & be very dangerous.
A little girl talk:
So would it really be so bad to have beauty treatments for 12 months? I'm thinking not so much. It would be awesome to get massages, facial, mud wraps etc., everyday. Sounds kind of nice. But I know it probably wasn't really like that. It was probably more like going to school & being made to eat, act, think & smell a certain way. Maybe not as fun as I thought.
More Favor:
Esther seems to win favor everywhere.... this time with the King. Why do you think this is so?
Mordecai's Position:
Mordecai has an important position by the King's gate. I don't think this was coincidence or an accident that he overheard the plot to kill the King & was able to pass it on to Esther would had already won favor with the King. This was just the beginning of what God would do through both of them.
I pray that you all have a very blessed weekend & are able to fully enjoy & remember the death & resurrection of our precious Savior. What a gift he gave us and what a wonderful thing to be able to celebrate each year. I pray it is a wonderful time for you & your family! Blessings!
About Esther:
She was cousins with Mordecai.
She was an orphan and was raised by her cousin Mordecai.
She was a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin.
She had two names: Hadassah (her Hebrew name) and Esther (her Persian name).
She was lovely in form & feature.
The Harem:
It was likely that the girls taken into the palace for treatments were not given a choice. Men were supreme and women were subservient. That is just the way it was.
The Favor:
Esther & Mordecai finds favor all throughout this book. First off, Esther finds favor with Hegai. Throughout this book he will be there for her, helping her along and almost seems as though he becomes her friend. God was very good to Esther.
Her Heritage:
Esther was forbidden to share her ethnic background. This could get her in a lot of trouble & be very dangerous.
A little girl talk:
So would it really be so bad to have beauty treatments for 12 months? I'm thinking not so much. It would be awesome to get massages, facial, mud wraps etc., everyday. Sounds kind of nice. But I know it probably wasn't really like that. It was probably more like going to school & being made to eat, act, think & smell a certain way. Maybe not as fun as I thought.
More Favor:
Esther seems to win favor everywhere.... this time with the King. Why do you think this is so?
Mordecai's Position:
Mordecai has an important position by the King's gate. I don't think this was coincidence or an accident that he overheard the plot to kill the King & was able to pass it on to Esther would had already won favor with the King. This was just the beginning of what God would do through both of them.
I pray that you all have a very blessed weekend & are able to fully enjoy & remember the death & resurrection of our precious Savior. What a gift he gave us and what a wonderful thing to be able to celebrate each year. I pray it is a wonderful time for you & your family! Blessings!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Esther - Chapter 1
Here we go...
Just a reminder: we committed to be more "conversational" on here so please post questions, comments, answers to other people's questions, etc. We can just act like we are actually talking to each other.
Some facts about the Book of Esther to get us started:
This display or celebration went on for 6 months. Can you even imagine that? Why so long? Apparently Xerxes wealth came from overcoming Egypt & Babylon. This also gave Xerxes enough time to celebrate with his military & also for planning future military action. This would also impress his friends & enemies alike.
In that time it was unlawful to drink unless the king was drinking. Xerxes lifted this law & allowed everyone to drive whenever & however much they wanted.
It wasn't the norm that men & women were segregated. It is possible that the drunkenness of the men was inappropriate for the women so they had separate banquets. This explains why Queen Vashti wasn't with her King.
Why would the Queen refuse the King's summons? There are several possibilities... it could have been political but most likely it was to avoid a bad situation. It is thought that Queen Vashti was asked to appear before the drunken mess of men with nothing but a crown on her head. I could imagine after days and days of drunkenness & separation, the prospect of coming before the men would be quite scary & possibly even dangerous for her. Or maybe she was just having too much fun herself having six months of "Ladies Night" - playing games, doing pedicures, etc. Despite the reason, she still refused the king causing him much anger.
So this leads us to the big "S" word... submission. Obviously a king & queens relationship is different than that of a husband & wife relationship. However, in both instances the wife or Queen is meant to submit to her man. In a marriage relationship the wife submits to her husband & her husband loves his wife. This is a command from God not a suggestion. (Eph. 5:21) As well as both honoring the Lord. If you are married - do you have issues or hang ups about submission? If you're not married - do you think it is a hard concept to grasp? Why or why not? Let's talk about it...
The rest of the chapter includes the plan of Queen Vashti being replaced due to her lack of submission. Let the games begin...
Just a reminder: we committed to be more "conversational" on here so please post questions, comments, answers to other people's questions, etc. We can just act like we are actually talking to each other.
Some facts about the Book of Esther to get us started:
- This book shows God's involvement with His people.
- God's name is not mentioned once in this book, however, His influence is definitely there.
- The author is unknown but was a devout Jew.
- This book was written as a historical account, recording events leading up to the Jewish observance of Purim and as assurance to God's people of His protection.
- This book was written in Persia around 460 & 350 BC.
- This book is about revealing God's character, faithfulness & provision for those who trust in Him even through tragic events.
- King Xerxes ruled from 485-465 BC and was the son and successor of Darius I.
- Susa is 150 miles North of the Persian Gulf in southwestern Iran known today as Khuzistan.
- Cush is in the upper Nile Region. (now that is perfectly clear, we all know exactly where that is right?! : ) )
This display or celebration went on for 6 months. Can you even imagine that? Why so long? Apparently Xerxes wealth came from overcoming Egypt & Babylon. This also gave Xerxes enough time to celebrate with his military & also for planning future military action. This would also impress his friends & enemies alike.
In that time it was unlawful to drink unless the king was drinking. Xerxes lifted this law & allowed everyone to drive whenever & however much they wanted.
It wasn't the norm that men & women were segregated. It is possible that the drunkenness of the men was inappropriate for the women so they had separate banquets. This explains why Queen Vashti wasn't with her King.
Why would the Queen refuse the King's summons? There are several possibilities... it could have been political but most likely it was to avoid a bad situation. It is thought that Queen Vashti was asked to appear before the drunken mess of men with nothing but a crown on her head. I could imagine after days and days of drunkenness & separation, the prospect of coming before the men would be quite scary & possibly even dangerous for her. Or maybe she was just having too much fun herself having six months of "Ladies Night" - playing games, doing pedicures, etc. Despite the reason, she still refused the king causing him much anger.
So this leads us to the big "S" word... submission. Obviously a king & queens relationship is different than that of a husband & wife relationship. However, in both instances the wife or Queen is meant to submit to her man. In a marriage relationship the wife submits to her husband & her husband loves his wife. This is a command from God not a suggestion. (Eph. 5:21) As well as both honoring the Lord. If you are married - do you have issues or hang ups about submission? If you're not married - do you think it is a hard concept to grasp? Why or why not? Let's talk about it...
The rest of the chapter includes the plan of Queen Vashti being replaced due to her lack of submission. Let the games begin...
Monday, March 29, 2010
Starting Esther
It was SO fun getting together on Saturday! For those of you who missed it, I hope you can join us next time.
We have decided that we will do the book of Esther. We were going to start tomorrow (Monday) but I'm a little behind so we will do our first chapter on Wednesday. We will do three chapters a week. One on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Hopefully we will all be able to keep up with that and then we will get back together again when we are done with the 10 chapters of Esther.
Jesus bless you as you dig deeper into His word! Enjoy!!!
We have decided that we will do the book of Esther. We were going to start tomorrow (Monday) but I'm a little behind so we will do our first chapter on Wednesday. We will do three chapters a week. One on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Hopefully we will all be able to keep up with that and then we will get back together again when we are done with the 10 chapters of Esther.
Jesus bless you as you dig deeper into His word! Enjoy!!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Coffee & Conversation
Just a reminder... We are getting together face to face to talk about the book of Mark and get to know each other this Saturday, March 27th from 9-11am at Lucie Monroe's Cafe in Christiansburg.
From Radford take I-81 N and take exit 118B, take the first off ramp to Christiansburg. Turn left on Roanoke St, go under the underpass and turn right where Food Lion, Pathway Christian School, Weigh Station and Lucie Monroe's is. Gateway Plaza 1600 Roanoke Street Suite B
I'd love for you all to come with your Bible and notes from the book of Mark to talk about as well as ideas for what you'd like to do next! Another book of the Bible? A different book?
We'll get coffee and snacks together and just have fun! Hope to you are able to make it! (please leave your comment as to whether you can or not)
From Radford take I-81 N and take exit 118B, take the first off ramp to Christiansburg. Turn left on Roanoke St, go under the underpass and turn right where Food Lion, Pathway Christian School, Weigh Station and Lucie Monroe's is. Gateway Plaza 1600 Roanoke Street Suite B
I'd love for you all to come with your Bible and notes from the book of Mark to talk about as well as ideas for what you'd like to do next! Another book of the Bible? A different book?
We'll get coffee and snacks together and just have fun! Hope to you are able to make it! (please leave your comment as to whether you can or not)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mark 16
This post is coming from Winston-Salem, NC.
The Resurrection
Jesus had told the disciples and his friends that the temple would be torn down and raised again in 3 days. They did not understand this to be his body. So when he did raise from the dead, they were surprised to see the stone rolled away and the messenger there to tell them he was gone and to go tell others. They were scared and unsure what to believe.
The disciples had the proof of Jesus rising right in front of them but they still had a hard time believing. Have you experienced something like this that was just too good to be true that you had a hard time believing even though it was right in front of you?
The Great Commission
Jesus called the disciples just as he calls all of us to go into the world and preach the good news. Whoever believes will be saved. What a great assignment we have!
The disciples also go to witness Jesus being taken up into heaven. What an amazing thing to get to witness.
That concludes the book of Mark. I hope you all enjoyed it and were able to learn some new things and grow in the Lord. I'm looking forward to seeing you all next Saturday. Please let me know if you are going to be able to make it. (look back at the posting a few days ago to comment)
Love you all! Hope you all have a great weekend!
The Resurrection
Jesus had told the disciples and his friends that the temple would be torn down and raised again in 3 days. They did not understand this to be his body. So when he did raise from the dead, they were surprised to see the stone rolled away and the messenger there to tell them he was gone and to go tell others. They were scared and unsure what to believe.
The disciples had the proof of Jesus rising right in front of them but they still had a hard time believing. Have you experienced something like this that was just too good to be true that you had a hard time believing even though it was right in front of you?
The Great Commission
Jesus called the disciples just as he calls all of us to go into the world and preach the good news. Whoever believes will be saved. What a great assignment we have!
The disciples also go to witness Jesus being taken up into heaven. What an amazing thing to get to witness.
That concludes the book of Mark. I hope you all enjoyed it and were able to learn some new things and grow in the Lord. I'm looking forward to seeing you all next Saturday. Please let me know if you are going to be able to make it. (look back at the posting a few days ago to comment)
Love you all! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Mark 15
This is the most painful text in scripture. The judgement, crucifixion & death of our Savior.
1-15 The crowd had no answer when they were asked why Pilot should crucify Jesus - they could only say "crucify him!" again and again. The crowd was so riled up, I wonder if they even knew why they wanted him to die. The rulers and crowd were so full of envy and hate.
16-20 To these 4 verses all I can say is that I'm SO sorry.
21-32 This is the first time I've really read into this... "They they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it." The drink they offered him was thought to be a narcotic that was offered to deaden the pain. Jesus did not take it. "He bore to the fullest the sufferings for our sins." WOW. Even in the end he compromised in NO way.
32-41 Jesus took on the weight of all the sin in the world! He was perfectly human and perfectly divine. Jesus cried out to God, first in despair and then renewed trust in God.
The torn curtain represented our direct access to God now through his son being sacrificed. What a precious, amazing gift!
42-47 I love what my commentary says. "Faithful women were the last to be found at the cross and the first to be found at the tomb." I love that. The ladies stayed by his side to the end and help care for him when it was over... if even just by watching over his burial site.
Also the boldness of the man to ask for Jesus body was amazing. He is asking for the body of someone who was thought so little of by the majority that they traded him for a well known murderer. This man potentially risked his own life to ask for Jesus body and give him a proper burial. To this man I'd love to be able to say thank you!
1-15 The crowd had no answer when they were asked why Pilot should crucify Jesus - they could only say "crucify him!" again and again. The crowd was so riled up, I wonder if they even knew why they wanted him to die. The rulers and crowd were so full of envy and hate.
16-20 To these 4 verses all I can say is that I'm SO sorry.
21-32 This is the first time I've really read into this... "They they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it." The drink they offered him was thought to be a narcotic that was offered to deaden the pain. Jesus did not take it. "He bore to the fullest the sufferings for our sins." WOW. Even in the end he compromised in NO way.
32-41 Jesus took on the weight of all the sin in the world! He was perfectly human and perfectly divine. Jesus cried out to God, first in despair and then renewed trust in God.
The torn curtain represented our direct access to God now through his son being sacrificed. What a precious, amazing gift!
42-47 I love what my commentary says. "Faithful women were the last to be found at the cross and the first to be found at the tomb." I love that. The ladies stayed by his side to the end and help care for him when it was over... if even just by watching over his burial site.
Also the boldness of the man to ask for Jesus body was amazing. He is asking for the body of someone who was thought so little of by the majority that they traded him for a well known murderer. This man potentially risked his own life to ask for Jesus body and give him a proper burial. To this man I'd love to be able to say thank you!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Mark 14 (43-72)
A kiss was the normal greeting. A disciple would greet his teacher with a kiss on the cheek or beard to show honor and submission. Judas used something that was meant to honor - to betray Jesus.
V. 51 - The naked man is only written about in Mark and is thought to be John Mark himself... maybe writing a bit of his own biography. Kind of funny and strange to put this in the scriptures, especially here.
Vs. 66-72 - Peter loved Jesus. His every intention was to honor and serve him and he really thought through everything he would. I'm not even sure he understood what he was doing when he denied Jesus until after the rooster crowed. He then remembered what Jesus foretold. I think he got scared, lost courage. It goes back to when Jesus asked them to pray so that they could resist temptation. Peter was disobedient on two counts... 1) he didn't pray but slept (not once but 3 times) 2) He followed Jesus when he told him not to and was led into temptation. Peter wept because he was sorry and fully repented for his denial. He truly did love Jesus. "If an apostle who lived with Jesus could fall into such sin, how much more do we need to take heed, watch and pray!"
John 21:15-19 tells us that Peter was forgiven and restored to the ministry. Jesus is definitely a forgiving God. Jesus helped Peter overcome his own doubt about loving Jesus by asking him the same question three times. Do you love me? Feed my sheep.... Peter denied Jesus three times and Jesus forgave him and gave him opportunity to prove his love to him three times. God is good! What a precious gift he gave Peter.
V. 51 - The naked man is only written about in Mark and is thought to be John Mark himself... maybe writing a bit of his own biography. Kind of funny and strange to put this in the scriptures, especially here.
Vs. 66-72 - Peter loved Jesus. His every intention was to honor and serve him and he really thought through everything he would. I'm not even sure he understood what he was doing when he denied Jesus until after the rooster crowed. He then remembered what Jesus foretold. I think he got scared, lost courage. It goes back to when Jesus asked them to pray so that they could resist temptation. Peter was disobedient on two counts... 1) he didn't pray but slept (not once but 3 times) 2) He followed Jesus when he told him not to and was led into temptation. Peter wept because he was sorry and fully repented for his denial. He truly did love Jesus. "If an apostle who lived with Jesus could fall into such sin, how much more do we need to take heed, watch and pray!"
John 21:15-19 tells us that Peter was forgiven and restored to the ministry. Jesus is definitely a forgiving God. Jesus helped Peter overcome his own doubt about loving Jesus by asking him the same question three times. Do you love me? Feed my sheep.... Peter denied Jesus three times and Jesus forgave him and gave him opportunity to prove his love to him three times. God is good! What a precious gift he gave Peter.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Let's Get Together
We will be done with the book of Mark on Friday!!! I hope that you have enjoyed going through the book together! I think it has been a lot of fun!
We all need to get together face to face to talk about it and get to know each other. It will be Saturday, March 27th from 9-11am at Lucie Monroe's Cafe in Christiansburg. If you can't make it or don't know where that is, just let me know. If no one can make that time, we'll try another time.
I'd love for you all to come with your Bible and notes from the book of Mark to talk about as well as ideas for what you'd like to do next! Another book of the Bible? A different book?
We'll get coffee and snacks together and just have fun! Hope to you are able to make it! (please leave your comment as to whether you can or not)
We all need to get together face to face to talk about it and get to know each other. It will be Saturday, March 27th from 9-11am at Lucie Monroe's Cafe in Christiansburg. If you can't make it or don't know where that is, just let me know. If no one can make that time, we'll try another time.
I'd love for you all to come with your Bible and notes from the book of Mark to talk about as well as ideas for what you'd like to do next! Another book of the Bible? A different book?
We'll get coffee and snacks together and just have fun! Hope to you are able to make it! (please leave your comment as to whether you can or not)
Mark 14 (up to vs 43)
The perfume... reminds me of the story told early of the woman giving the coins in the offering. She gave all she had with no abandon. Mary did the same here with the perfume. She seemed to understand that the end was near for Jesus. What an encouraging gift to him. I pray that I am able to see the opportunities when the Lord gives them to me just like Mary did. She actually left a legacy that the Lord wanted people to hear about. Very precious.
The very next sentence, Judas goes to betray Jesus. Can you imagine the things Jesus must have been feeling? Then to tell all the disciples about the upcoming betrayal must have been so hard. Would we have responded as they did and saying "Not I!" Even the best of the best thought they would not deny Jesus. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
Verses 32-42 stood out to me differently today. I have been trying to focus more on prayer and the importance of it and how to pray. This section of scripture is interesting and again, kind of sad. Jesus asks the disciples who were with him to pray while he spent time along with the Father. Three times he comes back to the disciples and they are asleep instead of keeping watch and praying. Jesus actually says "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." Once again - Jesus is foretelling the future - pray so you won't be tempted. Had the disciples stayed awake and prayed - would things have gone differently? I think Jesus knew they would but also knew that they would fall asleep. He was desperate for his disciples, his friends to pray for him while he prepared for his death, but they weren't even able to do that. Kind of breaks your heart doesn't it?
My Bible sheds some insight on the subject. "In the loneliness that comes while awaiting death, Jesus longed for the presence of friends who would pray with him. In addition, the disciples needed to pray for their own benefit, considering their predicted denial, cowardice and abandonment of Jesus. Their boasts of allegiance (v. 31) appear pathetic in the light of their behavior as the night wore on. Their failure to pray would make them an easy mark when assaulted by fear and temptation."
How often have we left the Lord waiting on us... longing for us to talk to him and pray? It's a good wake up call to see how important prayer was to Jesus while he was on earth... it has to be equally important now.
The very next sentence, Judas goes to betray Jesus. Can you imagine the things Jesus must have been feeling? Then to tell all the disciples about the upcoming betrayal must have been so hard. Would we have responded as they did and saying "Not I!" Even the best of the best thought they would not deny Jesus. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
Verses 32-42 stood out to me differently today. I have been trying to focus more on prayer and the importance of it and how to pray. This section of scripture is interesting and again, kind of sad. Jesus asks the disciples who were with him to pray while he spent time along with the Father. Three times he comes back to the disciples and they are asleep instead of keeping watch and praying. Jesus actually says "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." Once again - Jesus is foretelling the future - pray so you won't be tempted. Had the disciples stayed awake and prayed - would things have gone differently? I think Jesus knew they would but also knew that they would fall asleep. He was desperate for his disciples, his friends to pray for him while he prepared for his death, but they weren't even able to do that. Kind of breaks your heart doesn't it?
My Bible sheds some insight on the subject. "In the loneliness that comes while awaiting death, Jesus longed for the presence of friends who would pray with him. In addition, the disciples needed to pray for their own benefit, considering their predicted denial, cowardice and abandonment of Jesus. Their boasts of allegiance (v. 31) appear pathetic in the light of their behavior as the night wore on. Their failure to pray would make them an easy mark when assaulted by fear and temptation."
How often have we left the Lord waiting on us... longing for us to talk to him and pray? It's a good wake up call to see how important prayer was to Jesus while he was on earth... it has to be equally important now.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tuesday & Wednesday
Mark 14 is quite long and there is a lot of information. I don't want us to miss any of it so we will break this chapter into 2 days. For Tuesday we'll do verses 1-42 & then Wednesday we'll do verses 43-72. Jesus bless you as you study!
Mark 13
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend! I only saw a couple prayer requests... hope to hear from the rest of you!
Chapter 13 is about the signs of the end times. I'd love to hear some of the things you got out of this chapter.
The one thing that stood out to me the most in this chapter was verse 32. No one but the Father knows the hour and time of Jesus return. Not the angels. Not even Jesus. Just the Father. One of the remarks I read about this verse says "When Christ became human, he gave up the right to use his divine abilities for his own purposes. Because Jesus submitted to the Father in everything, he left the matter of the timing of his return to the Father, too. People today who claim to know the day of Christ's return are claiming to know more than Jesus did, and are false prophets." I think it is amazing that Jesus gave up his divine abilities in this regard for each of us. What a priceless thing he did for us!
Chapter 13 is about the signs of the end times. I'd love to hear some of the things you got out of this chapter.
The one thing that stood out to me the most in this chapter was verse 32. No one but the Father knows the hour and time of Jesus return. Not the angels. Not even Jesus. Just the Father. One of the remarks I read about this verse says "When Christ became human, he gave up the right to use his divine abilities for his own purposes. Because Jesus submitted to the Father in everything, he left the matter of the timing of his return to the Father, too. People today who claim to know the day of Christ's return are claiming to know more than Jesus did, and are false prophets." I think it is amazing that Jesus gave up his divine abilities in this regard for each of us. What a priceless thing he did for us!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Prayer Requests
Today is prayer request day. Maybe we will make every Friday the same. I know we all have things going on in our lives that we don't get to "see and hear" as much since we are online instead of face to face. So I really wanted to create an opportunity for us to be able to share maybe a little more personally about ourselves. It is a blog so I don't suggest getting "too" personal but if you can tell us the gist of what is going on or what you might like prayer for, that would be great. I'm hoping we can talk more personally when we actually get together soon. If you don't really have a prayer request that's fine, share a praise report. I'm hoping to see at least 11 comments since that is how many followers of Jesus we have through this blog at this point!
Remember to study Proverbs 13 & 14 for Saturday & Sunday & Mark 13 for Monday. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!!
Remember to study Proverbs 13 & 14 for Saturday & Sunday & Mark 13 for Monday. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mark 12
OK - for tomorrow let's do something a little different. I would like for each of you to post a prayer request and for all of us to be praying for each other through out this journey. You don't have to make it super personal if you don't want to - but I would like to hear from each of you about a way we can be supporting you in prayer. So tomorrow we will post those and start up with Mark 13 on Monday. Over the weekend we'll read Proverbs 13 & 14 on your own.
I also want to extend another invitation if any of you would like to still come to the Joyce Meyer Conference next week. It is March 18-20. We will leave around 4 from the church carpooling on the 18th and return around 3 or 4 on the 20th. We still have room and would love for you to come but I need to know as soon as possible! It should be a lot of fun!
In Chapter 12 Jesus is asked a lot of tough questions but only reveals the truth to those asking. His answers expose the hearts of the Jewish leaders and it isn't so pretty. They become very irritated with Jesus and want to find a way to kill him even more than they did before.
1-12 This section is about selfishness. They are putting possessions ahead of people. It actually was the law that if there were no heirs that the tenants of the land would inherit the property. So by killing the son, they made the property theirs. That is pretty amazing to me that they can commit murder and awarded land.
The capstone is the stone that essentially holds the building together. Jesus is the capstone - the Messiah. He was the one they rejected.
13-17 This section is about Hypocrisy. Jesus said to pay what is rightfully owed. Acknowledge God's rules but recognize human government as well. They didn't want to pay the taxes but they couldn't argue with Jesus because they agreed with what he said.
28-34 The greatest commandments - Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. These are fairly simple commandments that Jesus gave us but sometimes they can be the hardest for us to keep. I there are many times I don't love the Lord like I should and sometimes I don't love those around me well enough or even myself. But that is something we should constantly strive to do and ask for God strength in doing it.
41-44 I love this part. I think it is interesting in the Bible some of the shortest stories of faith are about women. There is just a little blip about them but it is so powerful and such a great lesson. In the temple there were actually boxes for "temple taxes" and boxes for "freewill offerings." The woman gave out of her poverty (all she had to live on she gave) to the freewill offering. It wasn't even required of her... taxes are required but the offering is a choice. I firmly believe in giving out of our own need. I believe the Lord can and will honor this in ways we can't imagine because of our obedience to trust him and rely on him. I know that we can attest to that in our lives. God has been SO good and really does know each of our needs.
Hope you all have a blessed day today! If you have friends would would like to participate with us in finishing the book of Mark - please ask them to join us! I'll be posting where and when our first get together will be when we are finished with the book of Mark!
I also want to extend another invitation if any of you would like to still come to the Joyce Meyer Conference next week. It is March 18-20. We will leave around 4 from the church carpooling on the 18th and return around 3 or 4 on the 20th. We still have room and would love for you to come but I need to know as soon as possible! It should be a lot of fun!
In Chapter 12 Jesus is asked a lot of tough questions but only reveals the truth to those asking. His answers expose the hearts of the Jewish leaders and it isn't so pretty. They become very irritated with Jesus and want to find a way to kill him even more than they did before.
1-12 This section is about selfishness. They are putting possessions ahead of people. It actually was the law that if there were no heirs that the tenants of the land would inherit the property. So by killing the son, they made the property theirs. That is pretty amazing to me that they can commit murder and awarded land.
The capstone is the stone that essentially holds the building together. Jesus is the capstone - the Messiah. He was the one they rejected.
13-17 This section is about Hypocrisy. Jesus said to pay what is rightfully owed. Acknowledge God's rules but recognize human government as well. They didn't want to pay the taxes but they couldn't argue with Jesus because they agreed with what he said.
28-34 The greatest commandments - Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. These are fairly simple commandments that Jesus gave us but sometimes they can be the hardest for us to keep. I there are many times I don't love the Lord like I should and sometimes I don't love those around me well enough or even myself. But that is something we should constantly strive to do and ask for God strength in doing it.
41-44 I love this part. I think it is interesting in the Bible some of the shortest stories of faith are about women. There is just a little blip about them but it is so powerful and such a great lesson. In the temple there were actually boxes for "temple taxes" and boxes for "freewill offerings." The woman gave out of her poverty (all she had to live on she gave) to the freewill offering. It wasn't even required of her... taxes are required but the offering is a choice. I firmly believe in giving out of our own need. I believe the Lord can and will honor this in ways we can't imagine because of our obedience to trust him and rely on him. I know that we can attest to that in our lives. God has been SO good and really does know each of our needs.
Hope you all have a blessed day today! If you have friends would would like to participate with us in finishing the book of Mark - please ask them to join us! I'll be posting where and when our first get together will be when we are finished with the book of Mark!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mark 11
The fig tree had leaves but no fruit. It wasn't even the season for leaves so naturally you might think if it did have leaves it would also have fruit. How else can we look at this? If we say a lot of christian words but don't have the actions behind it, we are like the fig tree. If we attend church on Sunday but don't really listen and apply the message to our lives, we look a little bit more like a fig tree. If we make promises or commitments that we don't keep or talk behind someones back, we just grew a whole lot of fig leaves and no fruit. It's no wonder the Lord found there was no fruit.
The fig tree actually represented Israel and it's "spiritual unfruitfulness". There is an explanation in my Bible that I love... it says "The one who prays correctly will leave room for God's will to overrule any request." (Matt 6:10) That is definitely praying with faith that our Heavenly Father loves us and wants His best for us! What big things are you having faith for?
The fig tree actually represented Israel and it's "spiritual unfruitfulness". There is an explanation in my Bible that I love... it says "The one who prays correctly will leave room for God's will to overrule any request." (Matt 6:10) That is definitely praying with faith that our Heavenly Father loves us and wants His best for us! What big things are you having faith for?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Mark 10
Come on Ladies, I haven't seen any comments in a couple days. Are you still with me? Let's hear what you have to say.
Two points I want to make from Chapter 10... 17-31 Jesus point is not to tell us that we all have to give everything up in order to follow Him. His point for the Rich Man was that his wealth was keeping him for a full and complete relationship with Jesus. Jesus wants to bless his children but it is so important that we don't put things above Him.... our home, our car, even our relationships.... there is no material possession that can be better than a relationship with Jesus. He doesn't want us to be overly attached to our possessions and may ask us to sacrifice things at times in order to teach us or show us to trust and obey Him.
46-52 A very simple point can be made here. A blind man sees what other's can't. He calls Jesus "the Son of David" (the prophesied Messiah). I think it is such a precious thought to think of the man running over to Jesus and not begging him for sight but just simply saying - "Rabbi, I want to see!" His faith healed him and he followed Jesus along the road. I don't know why but that just puts a smile on my face and I can almost see him bouncing down the road behind Jesus so excited to take it all in.
What did you take away from this Chapter?
Two points I want to make from Chapter 10... 17-31 Jesus point is not to tell us that we all have to give everything up in order to follow Him. His point for the Rich Man was that his wealth was keeping him for a full and complete relationship with Jesus. Jesus wants to bless his children but it is so important that we don't put things above Him.... our home, our car, even our relationships.... there is no material possession that can be better than a relationship with Jesus. He doesn't want us to be overly attached to our possessions and may ask us to sacrifice things at times in order to teach us or show us to trust and obey Him.
46-52 A very simple point can be made here. A blind man sees what other's can't. He calls Jesus "the Son of David" (the prophesied Messiah). I think it is such a precious thought to think of the man running over to Jesus and not begging him for sight but just simply saying - "Rabbi, I want to see!" His faith healed him and he followed Jesus along the road. I don't know why but that just puts a smile on my face and I can almost see him bouncing down the road behind Jesus so excited to take it all in.
What did you take away from this Chapter?
simplicity of faith
Monday, March 8, 2010
Mark 9
This chapter has so much in it! 3 disciples got to be with Jesus and share in seeing the glory of the Son with their own eyes. The other 9 disciples were in the valley and trying to cast out demons. They both had very different experiences but I can imaging they all learned a lot. The 3 on the mountain got to see the scriptures being fulfilled. The 9 in the valley got a glimpse of not being prepared for ministry. They didn't understand why they weren't able to cast out the demon but Jesus taught them that only through prayer would they be able to do this. They needed to spend that time with the Father.
I think it is kind of funny that the disciples were arguing over who was the greatest. None of them were able to cast out the demon so I'm not exactly sure what they were arguing about. I love how Jesus gently reminds them that "if anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." Don't we all need this reminder at times. Sometimes we get so self focused that we put our needs, our hurts, our trials, our circumstances, our situations, our families, our feelings above everyone else. I know there are so many times when we would have just served our neighbor or someone in our lives, it would have taken the focus off of whatever we were doing and going through and would have been such a blessing to both. "True greatness is found, not in rank or possessions, but in character and service." Phil. 2:1-13
Jesus is holding us to a higher standard here. He wants us to get rid of the sin in our lives so that we do not cause others to stumble. It is so important to be the servant of others and to live with true Christian character and integrity (having salt in our lives). We all fail and come short of the glory of God, but here Jesus is calling us to love the lost the best we can and not cause them to stumble.
I hope you have a very blessed week! Please remember to be praying for each other!
I think it is kind of funny that the disciples were arguing over who was the greatest. None of them were able to cast out the demon so I'm not exactly sure what they were arguing about. I love how Jesus gently reminds them that "if anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." Don't we all need this reminder at times. Sometimes we get so self focused that we put our needs, our hurts, our trials, our circumstances, our situations, our families, our feelings above everyone else. I know there are so many times when we would have just served our neighbor or someone in our lives, it would have taken the focus off of whatever we were doing and going through and would have been such a blessing to both. "True greatness is found, not in rank or possessions, but in character and service." Phil. 2:1-13
Jesus is holding us to a higher standard here. He wants us to get rid of the sin in our lives so that we do not cause others to stumble. It is so important to be the servant of others and to live with true Christian character and integrity (having salt in our lives). We all fail and come short of the glory of God, but here Jesus is calling us to love the lost the best we can and not cause them to stumble.
I hope you have a very blessed week! Please remember to be praying for each other!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Mark 8
Today I am posting from West Virginia!
Isn't amazing how God provides for us? Jesus provided above and beyond for the people who were following Him and were hungry. How often does He provide for us above and beyond? So often in my life!
It is also amazing to me how often we forget what the Lord has provided for us... just like the disciples did even after seeing Jesus multiply the loaves and fishes.
The healing of the blind man is such a great reminder to us that sometimes our healing is gradual and not always instant. Are there things you have prayed for for a long time? Me too. I know the Lord hears every prayer though and wants us to continue to pray and wait on His timing.
Now comes the sad part where Jesus begins to reveal the ultimate plan of "the Son of Man suffering". What an amazing gift He gave us!
I hope you have a very blessed weekend and enjoy studying Mark if you need to catch up or Proverbs 6 & 7 for the weekend! We'll see you back here on Monday! Love ya!
Isn't amazing how God provides for us? Jesus provided above and beyond for the people who were following Him and were hungry. How often does He provide for us above and beyond? So often in my life!
It is also amazing to me how often we forget what the Lord has provided for us... just like the disciples did even after seeing Jesus multiply the loaves and fishes.
The healing of the blind man is such a great reminder to us that sometimes our healing is gradual and not always instant. Are there things you have prayed for for a long time? Me too. I know the Lord hears every prayer though and wants us to continue to pray and wait on His timing.
Now comes the sad part where Jesus begins to reveal the ultimate plan of "the Son of Man suffering". What an amazing gift He gave us!
I hope you have a very blessed weekend and enjoy studying Mark if you need to catch up or Proverbs 6 & 7 for the weekend! We'll see you back here on Monday! Love ya!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Mark 7
How's everyone doing? Not seeing a ton of comments flying around. Is everyone doing OK? Are you able to keep up or is the pace too fast? Hopefully having the weekend "off" so to speak helps you to catch up if you've fallen behind. Don't give up though! I know the Lord has something amazing to tell or show each one of you.
This Chapter has a lot to do with tradition. When I hear the word tradition I tend to think of the movie Fiddler on the Roof and can hear the man singing "Tradition!" We can get so trapped and wrapped up in tradition. Some traditions can be great... my husband and I have some wonderful traditions for Christmas time and other times of the year. Those are precious to me. But the traditions that are talked about here are actually destructive. The hand washing ceremony is more about the Pharisee thinking they are better than others than anything else. It had nothing to do with actually cleaning their hands. It was a ceremonial tradition to get rid of whatever defilement the Jews accidentally picked up from the Gentiles or Samaritans. They thought these people were "unclean."
Col. 2:8 warns us against man-made traditions. It says that we should keep the traditions handed down by God to his people. So what are some of those traditions? If we look at the life of Jesus was can see how he treated all people. He healed and spoke to whomever he was with. He did not discriminate.
Is man's tradition and not God's truth controlling any part of your life?
Corban is a gift devoted to God. This sounds good right? The problem was they were using this s a way to hold onto their "stuff" instead of letting it go. Once it was declared "corban" - they kept it until death. It couldn't even be passed on. It was a scam. How could it be a gift devoted to God if it couldn't be shared? I know there is so much "stuff" we hold on to sometimes. Silly things. Precious things. Heart warming things. But sometimes I wonder what the Lord thinks of our "stuff." Are we holding too tightly? Is there anything He wants me to let go of?
Hard questions. I pray that you hear from the Lord about anything you might be holding on to.
This Chapter has a lot to do with tradition. When I hear the word tradition I tend to think of the movie Fiddler on the Roof and can hear the man singing "Tradition!" We can get so trapped and wrapped up in tradition. Some traditions can be great... my husband and I have some wonderful traditions for Christmas time and other times of the year. Those are precious to me. But the traditions that are talked about here are actually destructive. The hand washing ceremony is more about the Pharisee thinking they are better than others than anything else. It had nothing to do with actually cleaning their hands. It was a ceremonial tradition to get rid of whatever defilement the Jews accidentally picked up from the Gentiles or Samaritans. They thought these people were "unclean."
Col. 2:8 warns us against man-made traditions. It says that we should keep the traditions handed down by God to his people. So what are some of those traditions? If we look at the life of Jesus was can see how he treated all people. He healed and spoke to whomever he was with. He did not discriminate.
Is man's tradition and not God's truth controlling any part of your life?
Corban is a gift devoted to God. This sounds good right? The problem was they were using this s a way to hold onto their "stuff" instead of letting it go. Once it was declared "corban" - they kept it until death. It couldn't even be passed on. It was a scam. How could it be a gift devoted to God if it couldn't be shared? I know there is so much "stuff" we hold on to sometimes. Silly things. Precious things. Heart warming things. But sometimes I wonder what the Lord thinks of our "stuff." Are we holding too tightly? Is there anything He wants me to let go of?
Hard questions. I pray that you hear from the Lord about anything you might be holding on to.
devoted gift to God,
holding on,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Mark 6
There are so many things I want to comment on about this chapter. However, I feel like I'm only supposed to put a couple little thoughts out there and let you guys read and study this chapter however the Lord shows you.
This chapter is about opportunities...
Some that are missed because of unbelief and some that are enjoyed because of faith. I know I can relate to both.
What spoke to you from this chapter?
This chapter is about opportunities...
Some that are missed because of unbelief and some that are enjoyed because of faith. I know I can relate to both.
What spoke to you from this chapter?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Mark 5
There is a common theme in Mark 5. Going to the feet of Jesus.
The demon possessed man, the woman & the man with the daughter all had faith that Jesus could and would heal them. They all came to the feet of Jesus.
What are you believing Jesus for? What are you on your knees about? What causes you to sit at the feet of Jesus and just wait on Him? I know we all have big things going on in our lives but I hope we also take time to sit at His feet just to know Him better, just to soak Him in, just to be in His presence, just to hear His voice. Please take some time to sit at His feet today. He is always waiting for you and loves you so much!
The demon possessed man, the woman & the man with the daughter all had faith that Jesus could and would heal them. They all came to the feet of Jesus.
What are you believing Jesus for? What are you on your knees about? What causes you to sit at the feet of Jesus and just wait on Him? I know we all have big things going on in our lives but I hope we also take time to sit at His feet just to know Him better, just to soak Him in, just to be in His presence, just to hear His voice. Please take some time to sit at His feet today. He is always waiting for you and loves you so much!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mark 4
It's Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend! How are you doing with studying Mark? I hope you are enjoying it and getting something new out of it.
Today I'm only going to post a couple comments... I really want to hear from you about what caught your attention in Mark 4.
4:1-20; 26-34 So much can get in the way of God's harvest. However, there are those seeds that are planted that really can take root and continue to quietly grow. You just never know how the Lord is going to use your story, your prayers, your caring for someone else. Never underestimate the impact you can have on someone life .... even if it doesn't come until years down the road.
4: 35-41 He never said we wouldn't have storms, just that he would be with us through them. What circumstances has God been greater than in your life? "Faith means trusting that we never face dangers alone. Knowing God is present keeps fear from paralyzing us."
I pray you have a very blessed week!
Today I'm only going to post a couple comments... I really want to hear from you about what caught your attention in Mark 4.
4:1-20; 26-34 So much can get in the way of God's harvest. However, there are those seeds that are planted that really can take root and continue to quietly grow. You just never know how the Lord is going to use your story, your prayers, your caring for someone else. Never underestimate the impact you can have on someone life .... even if it doesn't come until years down the road.
4: 35-41 He never said we wouldn't have storms, just that he would be with us through them. What circumstances has God been greater than in your life? "Faith means trusting that we never face dangers alone. Knowing God is present keeps fear from paralyzing us."
I pray you have a very blessed week!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Mark 3
3:5 - "deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts"
Stress is defined as tenaciously (fierce, fighting) unwilling to yield.
Is this a way that the Lord can describe you? Do you struggle with stubbornness? I know that I often do.
The crowds often gathered around Jesus more for the healing than for the message. Have you had tunnel vision where you wanted Jesus to do something for you and missed some of his message, some of his plan and how he wanted to get it done?
3:20-30 - The Pharisees attempted to discredit the power behind the miracles of Jesus. "If a house is divided against itself, the kingdom cannot stand." How true is this in our lives, in our homes, in our church? Disunity breeds misunderstanding, disruption, judgement, criticism and heartache.
3: 31- 35 - Does Jesus snub his family?
We could easily think that is we don't see his heart. Sometimes the way we might read something in the Bible might seem like Jesus wasn't being very loving. I know the exact opposite is true so we need to dig a little deeper.
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament says: "Our Lord was not rude to His family; He simply used their concern as an opportunity to explain what it means to belong to the family of God. God's children are closer to Jesus than even His own earthly family, for we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh." (Eph. 5:30)
Please help us to know and understand your heart. Help us to give up our stubbornness for our own good and for your glory. Thank you for having patience with us as we understand more and more who you are and your character. Help us to take on your character and to be unified with each other. Seeking each others best. We love you!
Have a blessed Friday!!! I am feeling like it might be too much for everyone to visit the blog on the weekends so I will most likely not post anything. However, I do challenge you to read Proverbs 27 Saturday & Proverbs 28 Sunday! Have a blessed weekend! See you all on Monday!!!
Stress is defined as tenaciously (fierce, fighting) unwilling to yield.
Is this a way that the Lord can describe you? Do you struggle with stubbornness? I know that I often do.
The crowds often gathered around Jesus more for the healing than for the message. Have you had tunnel vision where you wanted Jesus to do something for you and missed some of his message, some of his plan and how he wanted to get it done?
3:20-30 - The Pharisees attempted to discredit the power behind the miracles of Jesus. "If a house is divided against itself, the kingdom cannot stand." How true is this in our lives, in our homes, in our church? Disunity breeds misunderstanding, disruption, judgement, criticism and heartache.
3: 31- 35 - Does Jesus snub his family?
We could easily think that is we don't see his heart. Sometimes the way we might read something in the Bible might seem like Jesus wasn't being very loving. I know the exact opposite is true so we need to dig a little deeper.
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament says: "Our Lord was not rude to His family; He simply used their concern as an opportunity to explain what it means to belong to the family of God. God's children are closer to Jesus than even His own earthly family, for we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh." (Eph. 5:30)
Please help us to know and understand your heart. Help us to give up our stubbornness for our own good and for your glory. Thank you for having patience with us as we understand more and more who you are and your character. Help us to take on your character and to be unified with each other. Seeking each others best. We love you!
Have a blessed Friday!!! I am feeling like it might be too much for everyone to visit the blog on the weekends so I will most likely not post anything. However, I do challenge you to read Proverbs 27 Saturday & Proverbs 28 Sunday! Have a blessed weekend! See you all on Monday!!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
A few things to help you out
1) A "post" is each section of writing. It will always have a title... in this case the titles are red. They will always have a date and at the bottom of that post there will be a place to comment. When you are making a comment, please comment under the "post" you are referring to. If it is something in Mark 1 - go to the post entitled Mark 1 and put your comment directly under that post.
2) If you have a picture that you can attach to your profile as you become a "follower" please do. This will help us all to know who you are.
3) If you want to see who the other followers of the blog are, click on "followers" and it will take you to your profile page. You can then click on "followers" there and it will show you who else is following the blog (some by names only if you don't have a picture).
4) In order for you to be able to make comments you do need to have an account. This account can be gmail, yahoo, facebook, twitter, and I think there may be a few other options. When you go to make a comment you can click on sign in and create an account if you don't already have one. If you have one of those accounts already, you just need to add your information and you will have access that way.
Let me know if you are having any problems and I'll do my best to tell you how to do it.
2) If you have a picture that you can attach to your profile as you become a "follower" please do. This will help us all to know who you are.
3) If you want to see who the other followers of the blog are, click on "followers" and it will take you to your profile page. You can then click on "followers" there and it will show you who else is following the blog (some by names only if you don't have a picture).
4) In order for you to be able to make comments you do need to have an account. This account can be gmail, yahoo, facebook, twitter, and I think there may be a few other options. When you go to make a comment you can click on sign in and create an account if you don't already have one. If you have one of those accounts already, you just need to add your information and you will have access that way.
Let me know if you are having any problems and I'll do my best to tell you how to do it.
Mark 2
How are you doing so far? I hope you are enjoying the book of Mark. Let me know how you are feeling about it. Is a chapter a day too much?
2:4 - Are we so determined to bring our needs to the father? We have direct access! We don't have to dig a hole in a roof and be lowered down to him. We can stay where we are and talk directly to him!
2:8 - The definition of discernment is to detect with the senses, trait of judging wisely and objectively...
Jesus knew what the Pharisees were thinking because he had discernment in the spirit. This comes with spending time in the word, in prayer knowing Jesus. Your spirit becomes more aware.
2:17 - It isn't the healthy people who need a doctor but the sick. Jesus is the doctor and those who don't know him are the sick. (Psalm 107:20)
2:18-22 - Eating with someone meant to seal a solemn bond of friendship. Jesus was eating with people while other religious people were fasting. Jesus wanted to share in relationship with them while he was still with them. Fasting wasn't needed while he was still among them.
2:23-28 - Jesus was being watched like a hawk! There wasn't anywhere that he went that he wasn't being scrutinized, judged and questioned. Often we experience this as Christians. Once someone knows you are a Christian, they may watch your responses, reactions, how you handle yourself in situations. Are you living up to the standard Jesus set? Often times we aren't and feel that people are just waiting to call us out on the carpet. Have you experienced being treated this way? In this situation do you feel or have you felt that you handled yourself well or have you become defensive?
2:4 - Are we so determined to bring our needs to the father? We have direct access! We don't have to dig a hole in a roof and be lowered down to him. We can stay where we are and talk directly to him!
2:8 - The definition of discernment is to detect with the senses, trait of judging wisely and objectively...
Jesus knew what the Pharisees were thinking because he had discernment in the spirit. This comes with spending time in the word, in prayer knowing Jesus. Your spirit becomes more aware.
2:17 - It isn't the healthy people who need a doctor but the sick. Jesus is the doctor and those who don't know him are the sick. (Psalm 107:20)
2:18-22 - Eating with someone meant to seal a solemn bond of friendship. Jesus was eating with people while other religious people were fasting. Jesus wanted to share in relationship with them while he was still with them. Fasting wasn't needed while he was still among them.
2:23-28 - Jesus was being watched like a hawk! There wasn't anywhere that he went that he wasn't being scrutinized, judged and questioned. Often we experience this as Christians. Once someone knows you are a Christian, they may watch your responses, reactions, how you handle yourself in situations. Are you living up to the standard Jesus set? Often times we aren't and feel that people are just waiting to call us out on the carpet. Have you experienced being treated this way? In this situation do you feel or have you felt that you handled yourself well or have you become defensive?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
"When you read your Bible receive and savor it like a love letter from God to you. Remember, you're reading in order to met someone. Ponder what you have read and apply it to your present circumstances. Let it go down into the core of your being and as you read, expect Him to commune with you." - Bruce Wilkinson
Mark 1
Ready to get started? Today I will touch on almost every aspect of this Chapter. Some days I'll focus in on just a few...
John - The book of Mark starts with John the Baptist. Have you read about Jesus relationship with John? This is one of my favorite stories. They were cousins and the Bible says that John lept in the womb when Mary visited John's mother. Jesus was also in the womb when this happened. What a sweet faith John had even before he was born! John devoted his life to calling people back to God. I love that John and Jesus were able to share the experience together of water baptism.
Holy Spirit Baptism - Jesus already had the spirit but by water baptism, he was able to identify himself with sinful humanity. This was validation of who he was and his earthy mission.
Temptation - Jesus was tempted to show us that temptation doesn't need to end in failure. This was meant to be an encouragement to us. Are there times in your life when you have felt tempted but also had an unbelievable out? I hope you are able to find encouragement in this.
Jesus prays - Jesus is our example. He got up early, alone, went to a solitary place and prayed. If it was important for Jesus to do this, how much more important is it for us to do this? Do you have a place where you like to go and pray? Do you need to find a place? Ask God about it.
Man with leprosy - I love the part where the man asks Jesus if he is willing and Jesus says, "I am willing." He is SO willing to do beyond what we can even imagine at times... have we been asking? Have you asked the Lord to heal your relationships? Your marriage? To show you how to deal with the overwhelming problem or issue in your life? If not, take time now and every day to ask. The word says to pray without ceasing. His timing and his healing will come.
I pray that you find encouragement in His word today as you dig in and get acquainted with the book of Mark and have time with your precious Savior. What did you like about this chapter?
I want to hear from you... please remember to write your comments, observations & questions. Let's talk about it!
John - The book of Mark starts with John the Baptist. Have you read about Jesus relationship with John? This is one of my favorite stories. They were cousins and the Bible says that John lept in the womb when Mary visited John's mother. Jesus was also in the womb when this happened. What a sweet faith John had even before he was born! John devoted his life to calling people back to God. I love that John and Jesus were able to share the experience together of water baptism.
Holy Spirit Baptism - Jesus already had the spirit but by water baptism, he was able to identify himself with sinful humanity. This was validation of who he was and his earthy mission.
Temptation - Jesus was tempted to show us that temptation doesn't need to end in failure. This was meant to be an encouragement to us. Are there times in your life when you have felt tempted but also had an unbelievable out? I hope you are able to find encouragement in this.
Jesus prays - Jesus is our example. He got up early, alone, went to a solitary place and prayed. If it was important for Jesus to do this, how much more important is it for us to do this? Do you have a place where you like to go and pray? Do you need to find a place? Ask God about it.
Man with leprosy - I love the part where the man asks Jesus if he is willing and Jesus says, "I am willing." He is SO willing to do beyond what we can even imagine at times... have we been asking? Have you asked the Lord to heal your relationships? Your marriage? To show you how to deal with the overwhelming problem or issue in your life? If not, take time now and every day to ask. The word says to pray without ceasing. His timing and his healing will come.
I pray that you find encouragement in His word today as you dig in and get acquainted with the book of Mark and have time with your precious Savior. What did you like about this chapter?
I want to hear from you... please remember to write your comments, observations & questions. Let's talk about it!
Why Mark?
As we get started, we will be going through the Book of Mark. I was drawn to this book after a friend told me it was one of her favorites. Ever since I have been reading and rereading it, listening to it on audio books and studying it. Mark is thought to be the earliest gospel book written so naturally, it felt like a good place to start.
Some background about the Book of Mark:
In the future, we will either go through another book of the Bible, a specific study in the Bible, or another book all together. If you have suggestions of a book you would like to go through, please let me know.
Looking forward to getting started…
Some background about the Book of Mark:
- Mark is thought to have been the interpreter for Peter. (1 Peter 5:13 – son is thought to refer to Peter being responsible for Mark’s conversion) Historians are not sure if this means that he was actually with Peter and Jesus during these accounts or if he acted as Peter’s interpreter for these writings.
- Mark is a fast paced approach to introducing the Son of God (or as he is referred to in this book – the Son of Man)
- Mark is more about highlights. “It’s the greatest news story of all times.” It is an exciting account of the gospel, otherwise known as the “good news”.
- Mark records about half of Jesus’ miracles.
- Mark focuses on action not speeches.
- Straightway or immediately is used 41 times in this book.
- The emphasis of this book is discipleship and persecution or suffering.
- Mark was a great encouragement to suffering Christians during persecution under Nero.
In the future, we will either go through another book of the Bible, a specific study in the Bible, or another book all together. If you have suggestions of a book you would like to go through, please let me know.
Looking forward to getting started…
Friday, February 19, 2010
Online Book Club
Dear Ladies,
I am very excited about embarking on this new adventure with you and wanted to share my initial thoughts. My purpose behind wanting to have an online book club is twofold:
There are only a couple ground rules before we get started…
Many blessings,
Pamela Pegg
New Horizons Church
Women’s Pastor
I am very excited about embarking on this new adventure with you and wanted to share my initial thoughts. My purpose behind wanting to have an online book club is twofold:
- Even in the busyness of life and crazy schedules, I want us to have a place where we can “meet” together (at your convenience), “talk” about what the Lord is teaching us and “connect” with one another on a deeper level.
- Secondly, and most importantly, I want us to dig deeper into the word of God both together and on our own and share the insights that the Holy Spirit has given us in those times of study.
There are only a couple ground rules before we get started…
- I want to strongly encourage you to fully participate. If you have a comment about something you read either in the Bible or in the comments that I or others will write, please “talk” to us by leaving a comment. Please share your heart with us or ask questions.
- Please use your real name when you sign up so that we know who you are. This will lend to more connection.
- If you need more direction or conversation than a simple comment can accommodate, please contact me personally and I will be more than happy to talk with you.
- Have fun studying the word and getting to know your fellow online “friends”.
- You are more than welcome to invite other to join us in participating in this book club.
- If you fall behind in your reading, please just pick up where we are at and continue along with us.
- Lastly, please refrain from giving advice. This is an open forum, however, if any inappropriate “conversation” or “comments” are given, I will take the liberty to delete them.
Many blessings,
Pamela Pegg
New Horizons Church
Women’s Pastor
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